What do you think governs a person's life? Fate? or Spirituality?

2012-07-18 8:52 am

回答 (4)

2012-07-21 3:37 pm
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All three - Fate, Free will and spirituality together govern a person's life.

All three - Fate, Free will and spirituality together govern a person's life.

How? You ask:
Fate - collection of past actions (in addition to many other factors), govern the present circumstance.
Free will - how the person responds to the present circumstance determines their life - destiny?
Spirituality - the extent of the person's awareness of themselves and the world around them assists them with the peace, strength and wisdom to apply free will.

Here is another way of showing the same: Past Thoughts and factors (Fate)->Actions(Past Free will)->Present Moment->Response (Free will)->More thoughts(which thought to prioritize? - spirituality)->Actions(Present Free Will)->Future circumstance -> Life goes on

Like this, it is this moment every person has to do the best - the right thing, with.
2012-07-18 3:57 pm
Will and chance.
2012-07-18 3:56 pm
The choices they make in life. We create our future in our actions and choices be they good or bad. Faith and spirituality may influence but in most cases are overridden by our needs imagined or real.
參考: Atheist.
2012-07-18 3:55 pm
Choices and coincidence.

Edit: Better wording

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