英國 GCE Study

2012-07-19 7:20 am
Halo! 我係香港讀緊F.5, prepare 今年到英國 study A level
I would like to ask:
1. 我没有在香港讀過Account (but I studied LCCI level 1) and M1/M2, 那我到英國
study Account and Further Math 的A level会唔会追唔到?

回答 (1)

2012-07-19 8:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 1. 我没有在香港讀過Account (but I studied LCCI level 1) and M1/M2, 那我到英國 study Account and Further Math 的A level会唔会追唔到?

>> 如果你讀acc 既話, 應該係ok既, 因為好多英國人都係f.6 先開始讀acc, 所以佢地都係由頭學起, 唔係一個大問題. 但數果度, 你就要睇下你個底去到邊, 如果你既maths 係有basic level (即係hk f.3 standard), 你去到讀maths 應該會ok, 但f. maths 就可能要努力一d. maths 會係m2 有cover 過, 但係f. maths 有好多野都係新既, 因為仲有stat, 同埋mechanics 既paper, 如果你有讀physics, m 既paper 會比較好, 但果你既冇讀physics, 亦冇stat 既話, 咁去到讀f. maths 要catch up了.

參考: 多年uk留學exp :]

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