about enlish

2012-07-19 3:32 am
present perfect 係(過去到現在or持續)
但係點解有d過左去 ,
而且(唔係到現在or持續) ,
用左present perfect ?

一個女人做左d野 , 已經過左去
what has she done ?
佢講個時 , 個女仔個動作已經完左
點解佢要用 present perfect ?
點解唔係what did she do ?


20 pts

回答 (3)

2012-07-19 4:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
The present perfect tense is usual with already:-
I have already explained that.
She has already kissed.
She has often done that.
Have you ever seen of such a kiss?
The Present Perfect Tense is used with ever if they have the meaning"at any time up to now". With other meanings almost any tense can be used.
This morning can be used with a Present Perfect Tense or a Past Tense depending on the time the statement is made,eg:-
I have seen her kissing this morning (said during the morning,by following her.)
I saw her kissing this morning (said in the afternoon or evening,by not following her and respect her by saying also:-What did she do? )
2012-07-19 8:06 pm
不太肯定你的疑問是甚麼,但就你提出的例子一個女人做左d野 , 已經過左去
另一個人後尾就講 其實你話what did she do ?是沒有錯的 英文在這問題上要考慮有三個細節的:提出問題的那件事的特殊性-如果大家都認知是在過去已做了的,用what did she do?是沒有問題的;不過那件事跟問問題的人的關係(包括時間和關聯性),如果那事是跟現在問的人有直接或簡接關係(例如同學/同事/科目/習作/工作等),則不用用上面的問法(因為用did…do是抽離地去問過去的事),加上要考慮是那事雖然已發生(她做了),但時間或跟問者的聯繫性是否仍在延續(例如因她所做的會引致現在/將會出現的後果…),這種關聯性的事情便會用What has she done?來表達我想問她做那事(有否跟我/後果有關)最後還有一個具體少少的規則。時間上如果那事是昨天做的,會用What did she do?如果是今天之內(早前一點兒),會用What has she done?當中也要參考第2點的關係。例如:What did she has for breakfast?和What has she had for breakfast?以中文來看都會是「她早餐食了甚麼?」(中文的「了」便是past,但無法譯出第一個問法是抽離地問「她早餐食了甚麼?」,第二個問法是以 (跟問者有連繫) 關心地問「她早餐(究竟)食了的甚麼?」希望除了文法的硬定義外,提供一些實用性的理解供你參考,多留心英文人寫作(例如新聞/小說/敘述)時對不同處境和事情會如何用tense。
2012-07-19 5:45 am
because present perfect tense (現在完成式) is show that o個樣動作已經完成左.....hope can help u~^^

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