
2012-07-19 2:02 am

回答 (4)

2012-07-19 1:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
攞景定贈慶的意思是在某些場合做出一些使人難堪的事, 所以你可以說:

embarrass him/her
give him/her a hard time

2012-07-31 11:41:26 補充:
In this case, that should be rubbing salt on somone's wound.

2012-07-31 11:41:51 補充:
someone's (typo)
2012-07-20 6:02 pm
2012-07-19 4:04 am
There is no such Idiomatic saying in English;Yet various kinds of "stealing the scene" is seen as hijacking, plundering, looted-taking, looting-taking; eg:-TVB drama 21:30-22:30 has actors looting-taking (=loo-king) the scenes.

2012-07-19 15:27:21 補充:
embarrass in a social situation;eg:-The allegations have been an embarrassment to the administrative gov.
2012-07-19 3:28 am

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