What does it mean that God is the Ancient of Days?

2012-07-17 4:32 pm

回答 (9)

2012-07-18 2:22 pm
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He is before the time and after the time;
He is the first and the last.
2012-07-17 11:37 pm
God existed before days were even created.
2012-07-17 11:35 pm
i think just that He is eternal. those are some great prophecies fulfilled with the start of Christ's Kingdom 2000 years ago.
2012-07-17 11:41 pm
A translation of the Aramaic expression ʽat·tiq′ yoh·min′, which indicates “one advanced (or aged) in days.” This title of Jehovah appears only at Daniel 7:9, 13, and 22 and alternates with the title “Supreme One.” (Da 7:18, 22, 25, 27) The scene is a courtroom where the Ancient of Days sits to judge the world powers, described under the symbolism of huge beasts. Their lease of rulership over the earth is taken away, and the “rulership and dignity and kingdom” are given to one “like a son of man” to whom all peoples are commanded to render obedience.—Da 7:10-14.

The title “Ancient of Days” appropriately contrasts the everlasting God with the successive world powers that rise and fall, and it portrays Jehovah in his role as the majestic and venerable Judge of all.—Ps 90:2; 75:7.
2012-07-17 11:40 pm
It means that he's even older than Betty White.
2012-07-18 10:32 pm
there is some debate that the ancient of days actually refers to God, or jesus or To ADAM

D&C 116: 1
1 Spring Hill is named by the Lord Adam-ondi-Ahman, because, said he, it is the place where Adam shall come to visit his people, or the Ancient of Days shall sit, as spoken of by Daniel the prophet.

D&C 27: 11
11 And also with Michael, or Adam, the father of all, the prince of all, the ancient of days;
D&C 138: 38
38 Among the great and mighty ones who were assembled in this vast congregation of the righteous were Father Adam, the Ancient of Days and father of all,
2012-07-18 2:29 am
GOD is Eternal and therefore was in the Universe before days were around!

2012-07-18 12:59 am
The first thing that comes to my mind is Confucius and Ecclesiastes both took place around 2000 years ago, and are considered "ancient". However, both of these give reference to their own ancients. which most likely refers to around 3300bc when writing was invented (they both give reference to something writen, though it could have been written orally). so around 5000 years ago. there are some ancient indian traditions that claim to have had an oral tradition passed on for over 10,000 years, making it around 8,000-10,000 bc when agriculture was invented. its possible some rudamentary oral stories were still being passed down through generations even then, but probably no earlier than 20,000 bc when the first cave paintings where found. So the ancient's ancient's ancient's ancient's ancient's ancient's ancient (one more for adam, one more for the universe, and then you get god) Ancient^7 (to the seventh power). SUPER EFFING OLD, lol.
2012-07-17 11:35 pm
He was really damn old back when people started figuring out the concept of a day.

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