What measures has the government done to improve the problem of gambling at young age?

2012-07-17 2:41 pm
What measures has the government done to improve the problem of gambling at young age?

回答 (6)

2012-07-17 2:44 pm
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Their BETTING it canbe handled with early education
2012-07-17 9:46 pm
The government is not in charge of your children. It is legal to gamble in certain states once they reach legal age. Not a good thing... but not the governments responsibility.
2012-07-17 9:50 pm
Made it illegal to be sure but, why make this a duty of government? Sound parenting and instilling the appropriate behavior will resolve this problem at the appropriate level...the family. If the parents have no problem with underage gambling why should that societal problem be pushed on the government? We need more family participation in child rearing and less government intrusion in our lives.
2012-07-17 9:43 pm
Made it illegal
2012-07-17 10:53 pm
Do you really believe the government cares about the youth - other than buying votes.
Governments allowing more Indian Casinos - It helps bring in political donations (kickbacks).
They also pay 'reparations' to Indians and tell them how to vote = More Kickbacks
Governments outlawing Online Gambling - driving internet sites Offshore = they couldn't collect kickbacks anyway.
The youth today are being trained to worship Big Government and give it all the power, more $$$ for politicians.
Take responsibility for yourself if you want to have a productive life - don't look to the corrupt government.
2012-07-17 10:45 pm
Making it illegal for anyone under 21 to gamble. Note that the penalty is to the establishment that allows an underage person to gamble. Similar to bars and other such establishments.
21 and over is not the government's problem.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:49:47
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