Your thoughts on Obama?

2012-07-17 11:05 am
I think he is a horrible president.

ok mister votevote lets prove you wrong: 1. Turned the economy around. We went from losing 800,000 jobs/month to gaining over 4 million in two years. More than GW created in 8. "Turned the economy around" Jobs 2008 2009 2010 2011 January 2012 April/May 2012 Unemployment rate 5% 7.8% 9.7% 9.1% 8.3% 8.2% Broader unemployment rate "U-6" 9.2% 14.2% 16.7% 16.1% 15.1% 14.8% White unemployment rate 4.4% 7.1% 8.7% 8.1% 7.4% 7.4% Black unemployment rate 9.1% 12.7% 16.5% 15.7% 13.6% 13.6% Hispanic unemployment rate 6.5% 10% 12.6% 12% 10.5% 11% Total private-sector jobs 115.6 M 111 M 106.8 M 108.2 M 110.5 M 111 M Total government jobs 22.4 M 22.6 M 22.5 M 22.2 M 22 M 22 M Median weeks unemployed 9 10.7 20.1 21.7 21.1 20.1 2. The Dow Jones went from 6000 to over 13,000. Dow Jones also plummeted while he was in office and only went up SLIGHTLY higher than Bush which doesn't mean anything 3. Health Reform - which


3. Health Reform - which has greatly benefitted my family already well good for you and your family. Obamacare is an unconstitutional tax that will put many doctors and companies out of business not to mention you get fined if you dont use it. it picks which doctors you see and a lot of other bullshit 4. Student Loan Reform I do like this in terms of adding about $1000 for 7.5 million (I'll give him that) 5. Wall St. Reform You mean all the protests and people losing millions with stocks going down? 6. Fair Pay Act technically, it is an amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA), which is the principal federal law covering minimum wage, equal pay, overtime requirements, and other labor-related issues. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 was also an amendment to the FLSA. he is just trying to take credit for it 7. Ended War in Iraq Yes he has brought most troops out, but we have thousands currently there. He also ruined the progress we had with freeing the middle east f


reeing the middle east from al queda 8. Killed Bin Laden and decimated Al Qaeda’s leadership We've been looking for him since Clinton was in office. We found him while Obama was in office so obama got to order his death. that is the only thing he did 9. Ended DADT Don't Ask, Don't Tell was a great policy. Me being in USMC for 20 years and my buddies do not have problems with the gays but do not want them to be flaunting it around in the work place. 10. Ended GW’s illegal torture program The "torture" program helped us learn many things about al queda and has helped save hundreds of thousands of lives 11. Food Safety What? the FDA has been around since 1906 12. Producing more domestic oil than under Bush. thats why prices have gone up so much? 13. Less dependent on foreign oil than we’ve been in 20 years. really now? 14. Fuel-efficiency standards people should be allowed to make their own descions I hope you enjoyed getting proved wrong moron. f

回答 (7)

2012-07-17 11:19 am
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$500 million for a Solyndra photo op.

Raising taxes (aka. Obama-care) in the middle of a recession, he and the Democrats help create the first "jobless recovery" in US history.

Will not prosecute The New Black Panthers for obvious federal FELONIES.

Thinks "..the private sector is fine..."

His administration got a border patrol agent killed (Brian Terry), and he won't release documents about how that happend.

General apologetic attitude and being an American.

Infused massive amounts of money into companies that were "too big to fail".

Massive deficits and exploding debt.
2012-07-17 6:07 pm
2012-07-17 6:18 pm
Obama is a racist yes a racist, do u know why he ran for president it's because he knew since he is black he would win not form because of his political ideas because he is black and wants to ruin this country

Oh ya and vote vote vote guy GB put the missions in place to track down and kill Osama the last troops with obama's plans will leave Iraq in 2016 at the earliest and are u really saying no one in the his position wouldn't have killed Osama are u kidding me anyone and everyone would have.
2012-07-17 6:13 pm
So...eloquent of you.

Obama is a good man who has been demonized daily by the adolescent right-wing since the day he announced his candidacy.

We’ve seen the right-wing evolution, or devolution, from “terrorist-sympathizer” to “secret Muslim” to “Death Panels” to “Anti-American” to many other outright lies.

In the face of the most adolescent and obstructionist GOP in our lifetimes, Obama accomplished remarkable things.

1. Turned the economy around. We went from losing 800,000 jobs/month to gaining over 4 million in two years. More than GW created in 8.

2. The Dow Jones went from 6000 to over 13,000.

3. Health Reform - which has greatly benefitted my family already

4. Student Loan Reform

5. Wall St. Reform

6. Fair Pay Act

7. Ended War in Iraq

8. Killed Bin Laden and decimated Al Qaeda’s leadership

9. Ended DADT

10. Ended GW’s illegal torture program

11. Food Safety

12. Producing more domestic oil than under Bush.

13. Less dependent on foreign oil than we’ve been in 20 years.

14. Fuel-efficiency standards


Obama. A good man. A good family man. A man who pays his taxes, rather than stashing his cash in offshore accounts. A man who actually cares about the poor, working poor, and middle-class. A man who has endured an incredible and childish right-wing hit job, day after day, for years now...only to rise to the top and make a scumbag like Romney look like a selfish child.

Obama, 2012
2012-07-17 7:17 pm
I like to call him Obama Sin Laden. Get it? It's a play on Osama Bin Laden. You just switch the b and s and wouldn't you know it, the middle name is now "sin" as in going against God.
Personally I don't believe that Gitt Money nor any Republican is any better choice.
The super rich elite pick all the candidates for both major parties so that no matter who we have to choose from, they are loyal first to the super elite. It probably doesn't matter who is president so much as who is the Secretary of State. The president is mostly a figure-head who just takes the advice from his cabinet who do all the actual policy making.
Both candidates will make similar promises and each will have their own gimmick about how they will make it happen, but as soon as either one is in office it is back to business as usual. Did Obama pull the trigger that killed Osama? No. Did Obama actually do anything that he is credited with doing? No. Correlation is not cause. If some businesses started hiring, it might very well have nothing to do with anything Obama did. If a lot of people went from being available for work to being a full time student then that would shrink unemployment without any jobs actually being created.

It is quite possible that Osama died of natural causes and had been hidden by our own government until the moment he passed away, then a bullet was put in his corpse and of course any evidence that he was already dead was destroyed when they dumped the body at sea.
Osama Bin Laden was a Bush family friend.
Although it's possible that Obama is the first U.S. President that was not born in the U.S., it's more likely that the issue with her birth certificate was intended to divert the public's attention from any real issues. It's a diversionary tactic used by common thieves. The store owner will be haggling with someone over a few pennies while thieves are making off with his whole cart. It would be ridiculously funny if it weren't so tragic.
Back when Ross Perot was running for president, he was the only candidate that did not want NAFTA. Both Democratic and Republican platforms included NAFTA. Now we can see that Ross Perot was right. NAFTA did send most of our manufacturing jobs to Mexico.

Want the history of how the super rich elite have managed to take control of our government? Watch this:
2012-07-17 6:15 pm
I think all forms of Government is a load of bullshit. So naturally I think Obama is a douchebag publicity hungry whore. Just like every other politician. The governments of the world think they are organized and doing what's right for their countries and their people. When the truth is, they are the disease. We should all be coexisting without politicians telling us how to live and what to do with our lives. We all live on one Earth. Its time we started acted like one race. The human race. The sooner we let go of bullshit that doesn't matter the better we'll all be. The happier we'll all be.
2012-07-17 11:20 pm
A terrific president who deserves to be re-elected for many accomplishments while in office, including pulling out of the Dubya Gump-caused economic catastrophe of 2007-2008.

And all of it with NO help or cooperation from the treasonous and obstructionist Republican party of the rich people in Congress who are ON RECORD as saying that their ONLY goal while in office is to obstruct President Obama in every way possible.

The American people are catching on - no matter how the right wing traitors spin their lies and twist the truth.

The Party of the Rich will never win another national election until they stop with the lies and the hypocrisy.

As John Dean (no liberal, he) said recently: "Today's Republicans do not know how to govern -- all they are interested in is seizing power and making money for their friends."

He should know.

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