the meaning of the sentence

2012-07-18 12:07 am
Yahoo could "get someone of the caliber of" a Marissa Mayer to become the CEO at this stage

2 get someone of...of又點解???

回答 (2)

2012-07-18 12:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yahoo could "get someone of the caliber of" a Marissa Mayer to become the CEO at this stage

在這階段, 雅虎可以找個有 Marissa Mayer 這種才幹的人成為 Chief Executive Officer.

换句廣東話, 找個同等級數的人, 在才幹, 處事能力, 至少像 Marissa Mayer 一樣

1. 想問 caliber 點解??

The calibre of a person is the quality or standard of their ability or intelligence, especially when this is high. 才幹, 品質

2 get someone of...of 又點解???

get someone of the Y (quality) of Mr./Ms X = 找個有 Mr./Ms X 這種 Y (品质) 的人

get someone of the same calibre = 找一個人有同樣才幹

The firm needs more people of your calibre.

2012-07-18 06:02:48 補充:
calibre 解”威力” 是錯, 威力是 power, might.

Calibre是 (1) 才幹, 才能, (2) 口徑
有才幹可能導致威力, Yahoo 請CEO, 注視才幹,不是威力
2012-07-18 1:49 am
1. caliber - 這裏的意思是「才能/才幹」
2. 這是一句附注解的寫法
yahoo could get someone "like" Marissa Mayer to beocme CEO
但作者想強調他理由/這個Marissa Mayer有何特質值得一提,便附加這種格式把他想說的caliber(才能→威力)以作強調讓讀者了解多一點。

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