Passive Voice example 123

2012-07-17 9:06 pm
Passive Voice for example ~

回答 (1)

2012-07-17 10:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Change of Active to Passive in detail:-
Some of the changes affect the verb phrase. An additional auxiliary (generally the auxiliary be is added,which in (1) is were and the main verb is made into a passive participle,which for ordered is the same form as the past. The active object us becomes the passive subject we; the active subject is moved to the end,where it is introduced by the preposition by.
(1)The police ordered us to kneel down.---Active
---We were ordered to kneel down by the police.-----Passive
(2)Her mother calls her Mary.------Active
---She is called Mary by her mother.-----Passive
(3)Shakes wrote the book.--------Active
---The book was written by Shakes.------Passive.
Good Luck

2012-07-25 16:02:45 補充:
3 eg given that which help me a lot THX

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