如何取得學位?(top-up degree..ive)

2012-07-17 5:16 am
本人今年讀完ive 的HD課程(電腦程式果D咁)......其實讀到year 2已經覺得選錯科...但又唔想give up, 現在畢業都有credit,咁發覺自己唔多興趣在E行....比較想在平面呀./一D設計方面野發展.......但想要degree(E加沒一個學位都難同人鬥爭.......)

有時覺得只要堅持讀下去,會讀到上去..但發覺自己年齡開始大, 而且應該要打工(都22了, 父母開始要退休..即要負責起頭家....) 咁我E加做打住一份文職工作咁....儲$..再揾D野讀


回答 (3)

2012-07-17 5:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you may try PolyU SPEED part time top up degree which is a local degree

Bachelorof Arts in Applied and Media Arts
應用及媒體藝術文學士This programme is offered in collaboration with the Hong Kong Art School (HKAS) of the Hong Kong Arts Centre. Most of the classes, studios and workshops will be delivered at HKAS premises.Entry RequirementsApplicants should possess an Associate Degree or a Higher Diploma in related disciplines or equivalent qualification with demonstrated English proficiency.

Holders of Associate Degree or Higher Diploma in unrelated disciplines with demonstrated language proficiency and knowledge in foundation subjects may also be considered.

Those who do not possess the above-mentioned qualifications but have reached the age of 25 at commencement of study may also apply as mature applicants. Mature applicants should possess at least 5 years of relevant working experience at senior positions and have completed prior studies in related fields. They will be required to demonstrate their ability to complete the programme to the Admission Interview Panel; and
(i) pass an admission test; and

2012-07-17 11:20 pm
你又唔洗咁迷惑住先, 你讀HD係可以升上DEGREE, 如果你父母唔係真係好需要你擔起先你咪讀埋個TOP UP DEGREE先囉, 為期都係1-2年, 多都唔係好多時間, 起碼都有個DEGREE仔畢業~

如果你屋企要你養家既, 你亦都可以出黎做住野先~ 之後去報PT DEGREE 或者課程都得~ 依家好多人都係咁咖~

IVE都有得升TOP UP DEGREE, 唔使一年就畢業, 不過中間冇暑假囉, 睇你點睇~
依家仲有THEI DEGREE 課程讀~ 大把選擇同出路~ 條條大路通羅馬~ 船到橋頭自然直~^^
參考: own
2012-07-17 5:23 am
可以睇睇OU,不論年齡,不計學歷,人人可讀,你有嘢做可以報part time,拖長嚟讀,減輕經濟時間壓力。

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