
2012-07-16 4:01 am

回答 (2)

2012-07-17 1:00 am
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]


>> 如果你已經有bno, 但係只係過左期既話, 係可以apply 番的. 冇問題. 只要上填好form, book 個appointment 上領事館就可以了.


>> 以前就話bno 唔駛錢整visa, 但係而家就算用bno 整visa 都係要俾錢的. 同時, 因為bno 同british local citizen 唔同的, 所以, 唔會話讀書會平d, 亦唔會話會有d咩特別既benefit (英國treat bno 同hksar 係一樣的), 去讀書都係要同POLICE 報到-.-"

>> 如果係英國的話, 因為你係overseas, 所以英國gov 係唔會sponsor 你, 亦唔會話俾student loan (大學)俾你的. 你只可以睇下係hk 有冇可以搵到sponsor (如hk gov 公務員海外升學sponsor).

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]
2012-07-16 5:34 pm
Dear young follower,

I would like to ask your questions as following:
1. In accordance with given information by British Government Council, HongKongers can renew their BNO passports as long as they had already registered as British nationals by connection with Hong Kong before 1997so that we must contact firstly with British Government Office where is near British Council. However, you may need to sign by approved signature like professionals.
2. Well, it dpends on your situation as you know that you have to classify as an overseas student, it means that you have to pay foreign tution, some of them are closely to 9000 pounds per year.
3. If you are a student in a poor family then you will consider profoundly before your start study planning. Perhaps, you may apply young follower scheme that you can work in England if your ages are younger than 30 and 1650 pounds in your bank account. As a result, you can work in England and study together.

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