英國as leve/a-level選科問題

2012-07-16 3:32 am
我ge predicted grade for GCSE by school and myself are as follow
5 A*s
2 As
4 Bs
Core Science A*
Additional Science A*
English Language B
English Literature B
Maths A*
Stats A
Design and Technology(resistance material) B
History A
Geography A*
Business Studies B
Chinese A*

IELTS : 6.5

1.想問其實應該讀哪幾科for A-level ne?

2.我自問maths 5 太好....紙因為uk ge maths is too easy....thats why i can get an A* in maths, i am wondering should i take further maths in a-level as i think it might
be too hard for me.

3.And i dont really like science, but i am pretty good at physic and biology, but it is probably because it is easier in uk than hk. so should i take physic? coz many ppl told me if i took econ, maths 應該要讀 physic as well.

4.and im wondering if Psychology is worth taking?因為好似同其他科無關係.and is
it hard?

5.And im wondering should i take Geography?the only reason i might pick this subjuct is because i got an high A* in it for GCSE.

請問有哪些科是特別有用for finding job?or just generally useful?

6.有哪些科是容易get A/A*?

Thank you so much for reading, if anyone could answer some of the above questions would be great!

回答 (1)

2012-07-17 1:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 問其實應該讀哪幾科for A-level ne?

>> depends 你出黎大學係讀咩既, 如果你係想讀bba, accounting 果d 既話, 就可以揀econ, maths, phy, geog, 到你最後a2 可以drop 左個geog 佢, 因為有phy, 係apply science同acc 等既科會比較好. 但如果你係aim 其他野, 如psychology, humanities 果一d, 咁econ, maths, psy, geog 會比較好了.

2.我自問maths 5 太好....紙因為uk ge maths is too easy....thats why i can get an A* in maths, i am wondering should i take further maths in a-level as i think it might be too hard for me.

>> 如果你係讀engingeering 既話, f. maths 會ok, 但如果你係英國考開gcse 既話, f. maths會令你吃不消. 因為gce 同gcse 之間係一個big jump. f. maths 對讀eng 既人會有幫助. 但如果你只係想係大學讀econ 果d 既話. f. maths 作用不大.

3.And i dont really like science, but i am pretty good at physic and biology, but it is probably because it is easier in uk than hk. so should i take physic? coz many ppl told me if i took econ, maths 應該要讀 physic as well.

>> 冇話一定要咁讀既. a level phy 會再難d, 同埋d concept 會再advanced 一d, 但如果我係你, 我會揀phy, 唔揀bio, 因為bio 會多野寫, essay 都好多, 所以phy都係計數同theory (至少佢唔會要你寫essay, 易handle)

4.and im wondering if Psychology is worth taking?因為好似同其他科無關係.and is it hard?

>> 你有興趣既話, take 係冇問題. 而如果你apply humanities 既話, 會有幫助, 因為都係文科.

5.And im wondering should i take Geography?the only reason i might pick this subjuct is because i got an high A* in it for GCSE.

>> gce 會有field trip, 個人覺得唔worth 去 (但如果你真係冇得揀, 咁就揀geog lor), 我gcse geog 有A (tho 我predict 係A*), 但講真, 我唔會因為gcse 果個考得好而揀lor, 因為geog會辛苦一d, trip 都多好多.

6. 請問有哪些科是特別有用for finding job?or just generally useful?

>> 出黎搵工, 人地睇既係你大學既deg, gce 你讀咩, 對你搵工唔大影響 (如果你係aim 到中學畢業既話, 咁就唔同).

7. 有哪些科是容易get A/A*?

>> gce 唔同gcse, 我自己都係讀完gcse 考gce 既, 冇話邊個會易a* 一d, 因為科科都有佢既難度. 所以最好係睇你自己對邊一科有信心.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]

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