I heard Scorpio girls are afraid of people who pay attention to detail?

2012-07-15 1:51 am
is it true or false?
what's your opinion?

回答 (6)

2012-07-15 1:58 am
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Not exactly ? They just get uncomfortable when you ask to many personal questions amd they don't trust you yet (which takes a long time) . They like being told secrets , but not telling theirs. So true I guess ^.^
參考: Pisces with scorpio friends
2012-07-15 9:03 am
False. I don't know where you'd hear such a thing. Certainly not an astrology book.
2012-07-15 9:03 am
Really? Because I'm a Pisces and I DEFINITELY pay attention to details, I'm really observant. And none of the Scorpios in my life really cared - they actually go up to me for advice or help.
But then again, they're very very mysterious, so maybe they just don't like it when people pay too much attention to their life.
參考: Also a Pisces girl with many Scorpio friends
2012-07-15 8:58 am
Lol. rly? I pay attention to detail & I'm a Virgo, but I get along extremely well with Scorpios so tht cnt be right.. o.O
2012-07-15 9:44 am
Lol they're afraid of virgos then?

I doubt it, the scorpios I know are fearless
參考: Cap
2012-07-15 1:28 pm
Agree with all the answers on here.
參考: Scorpio.

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