NEED HELP NOW: Please give me an idea for a sign for a concert?

2012-07-14 5:16 am
I am going to a big time rush concert in a couple of weeks but im at my friends house right now making signs. My brother was friends with one of them in high school so I kinda wanted to make a sign that had something to do with that? Idk. Ideas please?

回答 (3)

2012-07-14 5:23 am
This isn't a emergency, I don't know why you need to go to a Big Time Rush concert, and I bet he is lying.

Anyway, try making a sign saying ''I am going to be such a creeper!'' nah jokes are off.

Maybe.. well.. they all are going too be creepy.
Just forget the signs and have a good time, or just say you love them in bright colors.
2012-07-14 5:22 am
Make it political like

"Where are the shovel ready jobs?"
2012-07-14 5:21 am
(Brother's name) Says Hi!-School. Idk..

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