Movie Mania Trivia: I am searching for a certain sci-fi movie That is almost the exact same storyline as :?

2012-07-14 4:58 am
Double Dragon , it is not Double Dragon although, More or less what happens is this girl (I think she is famous or something in the movie) gets kidknapped and taken to the Dark side of town, by the citys most powerfull and notorious gang, and one man eventually decides to risk his life, to save the damsel in distress, I think the movie is a slightly older one, I just cant remember the name of it, an absolutely great alltime favourite if your into the superhero scene. As well they have guns in it and everything its kinda adult also, shooting, blood and action.

回答 (1)

2012-07-14 5:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sin City?

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