Ok maybe EJ didnt kill stephano on days....?

2012-07-13 5:45 pm
Now im thinking its looking more like john, any other ideas?

回答 (7)

2012-07-13 5:52 pm
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My guess is that it was Stefano, either out of guilt wanted to commit suicide but as a last act of vengeance paid someone to help him make it look like one of his many enemies did it or he just wanted to make it look like he was murdered and hes still really alive so that he could frame one of his enemies but of course the truth doesn't come out until the last moment. You can't just be having one of the main characters going to jail or facing the death penalty and it usually turns out to be the least likely person.

Although with the actor playing Bo scheduled to leave the show soon maybe it will turn out to be Bo and thats how they'll write Bo off the show - him going to jail.
2012-07-13 8:27 pm
He is still alive.
2012-07-13 8:24 pm
I don't think it's EJ or John. In fact, it's pointless to try to figure out what the writers are doing. It would be so great if Stefano would suddenly walk into his mansion and watch everyone gasp.
2012-07-13 8:32 pm
By now, everyone has killed everyone else, boinked everyone else, just like everyone is an ex cop, ex model, ex hooker, ex doctor, etc. Luckily no one stays dead for long. Lexie can always come back. They can just say they sent her to a sanitarium, and didn't want people to know who might bother her with constant visits. They all play dead in elaborate schemes and everyone goes thru idiotic funerals, etc. Then surprise surprise they're baaaaack! They faked Stefano's death to get him off the hook from gangsters who didn't like him ratting them out on the arms deal. He will come back as witness protection, "Onafets Aremid" THAT WOULD FOOL THEM!!! He just looks like that other guy. Remember they named that town "Aremid" funny stuff.
2012-07-13 6:42 pm
I think Ian has something to do with it. Obviously, someone paid off the lie detector administrator and took the gloves from the trash. That was not Bo or any of the other suspects. Seems like Stefano is still alive and working with Ian.
2012-07-14 8:26 pm
EJ did not kill Stephano, I think it was Bo, since he is leaving the show
2012-07-13 6:02 pm
Im still thinking Lexie .. but who knows. This is going to drag out for months.

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