
2012-07-13 9:58 pm
(Simple past ,past Continuous & past perfect)
Give the correct forms of the verbs in brachets.

1,What John (do) when you went to visit him last night?

A,---did--- B,--- was John doing---

2,What he (say) when you asked him that question?

A,---said--- B,---did he say---

回答 (6)

2012-07-15 1:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
What was John doing (do) when you went to visit him last night?

He was talking on the phone when I went to visit him last night.

past tense and past continuous tense is used when there are two action happening in the past.

2,What did he say (say) when you asked him that question? simple past tense

He said he did not know the answer when I asked him that question

3) what does he say when you ask him that question? = simple present tense

He says he does not know the answere when I ask him that question.
2012-07-14 6:36 pm
1. B
Long action = John WAS doING something
Short action = you WENT to visit him

2. B
When asking questions, you HAVE to split the verb into two parts: SAID = DID + SAY
What DID he SAY when you asked him that question? *correct*
What he SAID when you asked him that question? *wrong*

P.S. The "he" in "What HE (say) ..." in no. 2 shouldn't be there. It should be "What (he, say) when you asked him that question?" And so choice A should be ---he said---
2012-07-14 1:44 am
Technically:-the continuous form of a verb is used to show that an action or activity is continuing to happen,and is shown in English by the verb "be",followed by a present participle,as in "John was visiting for Mary last night.A:- 1B
Technically:-The past tense being of the form of a verb that's used to show a past action or state,auxiliary verb (did) (do,done,doing) where is did? should be added,as in "What did he say when you tried to get an idea of the question previously?"
A:-2B.----did he say.
參考: google website
2012-07-14 12:26 am
2012-07-13 11:51 pm
1,What John (do) when you went to visit him last night?

B. was John doing
Explanation: Because the word "when" , you should use Past Continuous Tense..
E.G: I was watching TV when my mom back home.

2,What he (say) when you asked him that question?

B. did he say
Explanation: Because there isn't auxiliary verb(助動詞) , so it should add "do/did/done" in the sentence...
E.G: He was running when someone called him. 當有人叫他時,他在跑步。

2012-07-13 15:56:14 補充:
2. E.G. should change to:
How did he reaction when you suggested to go swimming? 當你提議去游泳時,他怎樣回應?

2012-07-13 15:57:15 補充:
How did he react when you suggested to go swimming?
參考: 我...希望幫到你=], 我...希望幫到你=], 我...希望幫到你=]
2012-07-13 10:00 pm
第一條答案係 B.

第二條答案係 B.

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