Do i Need a Passport to go from LA to NYC??? Help!?

2012-07-13 1:05 am
*I live in LA and wanna head on to NYC, and im flying there, but My father is telling me they ask for my passport. I am not a US Citizen but i am a permanent resident and have my greencard. Will they ask me for my passport at the airport or is my father exagerating again as he always does?

回答 (6)

2012-07-13 1:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
You don't need one. I'd bring it just in case, though
2012-07-13 8:08 am
So long as you are travelling within the US, you do not need a passport.
2012-07-13 8:07 am
No. When you go through security at the airports they will ask you for I.D. in which case you can use your drivers license. A passport is for international travel.
2012-07-14 2:55 am
Take your Greencard and a picture ID.
2012-07-13 8:06 am
since u dont live in the US then u will need one!
2012-07-13 8:07 am
Even US citizens need one for flights now days to prove their identity.

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