
2012-07-13 1:28 am

Thank you for allowing me to see clearly what such a person you are. 那翻成這樣對嗎??

回答 (5)

2012-07-13 1:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
Thanks for showing me your true self.

Thanks for showing me what kind of a person you are

Now I see what kind of person you are
2012-07-20 10:51 pm
Thank you for letting me see clearly who you are,
2012-07-14 1:06 pm
Thank you for letting me knowing who you really are.
參考: 我
2012-07-13 11:18 pm
thanks to let me know who you are.

2012-07-13 15:19:10 補充:
2012-07-13 2:36 am

2012-07-12 17:36:03 補充
Thank you for allowing me to see clearly what such a person you are. 那翻成這樣對嗎??

對, 不過稍改下好點:
Thank you for allowing me to see clearly what kind of a person you are.

Thanks, now I see your truce face. (跟人吵架時說.)

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 08:37:28
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