
2012-07-11 11:58 pm

回答 (3)

2012-07-14 7:36 pm
1. News or DVDs that can give you English subtitles

Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Warriors (about cats)
Seekers (about bears)
the Secret Series
*Kane Chronicles
*Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Pride and Prejudice
How to Save the World with Salad Dressing & Other Outrageous Science Problems (by Thomas Byrne & Tom Cassidy) [Physics]

3. I'm now top 3 of the class and the top of the whole form in English. Here's how I did it:

a) Buy these channels:

Discovery Channel
Animal Planet
Discovery Science
Discovery Turbo (optional)
Disney Channel
and other English channels

Watch one of these channels AT LEAST ONCE A DAY. Increase the numbers gradually. Once you like the shows, you'll want to watch them day and night. Then, cover the Chinese subtitles with your hand to improve your listening skills. (This really helped me!!) Watch movies (especially animated movies) in English, and again, cover / ignore the subtitles.

b) Get yourself to like a celebrity from America / England / etc. You'll love him/her and you'll want to speak English just like him/her.

c) Read, read, READ!!! Start with 100 pages, then 200, then 300 ... When you're confident, jump to 1000. Trust me: it's not that hard! After all, you read a book not because of the number of pages it has, but of the amazing story in the pages. Even I jumped from 300 straight to 1050. You'll soon LOVE reading and your house will be FULL of books.

d) Speak English whenever possible, and train your accent by trying to simulate the hosts / voices of the shows you're watching.

e) Play Lumosity. Since the website is in English AND it helps you boost your brain power, it really helps you. Here's the link:

a) get English leaflets when available
b) think in English
c) write in English

Just do everything in English, and you'll have the soul of a foreigner. DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!
參考: My life
2012-07-12 1:59 am
(1)Writing:-Everyday TVB link has news&drama with subtitles.Pay attention to what newscaster is saying or to a sound that you can hear. Like to listen hard,intently,carefully with interest to AL,UE,in the Listening Script? Pay attention you're sure to improve.
---(2)Reading:- Read one or two pages on an interesting book daily.Look at the written words&understand what they mean.You could read by the time you're in F3. Read the instructions carefully on Preface&Contents before you start.Try find out more information from newspapers.
-----Books for F1-F3:-Faulkner,William-Rose for Emily. Hemingway,Ernest-Clean Well-lighted Place; Joyce,James--Araby, Marlowe,Christopher--Passionate, Shakspeare,William--Hamlet,Prince of Denmark.
----(3)Writing---You've an essay 100 words to write,describe something,write a letter to someone,penpals to show your feeling&thinking;Write a report,article using notes you made earlier so that you've something to write up before the exam.
----(4)Speaking:-In conversation try to talk to someone about something;have a conversation eg spk to your father about the way sc.exam you have been treated;Speak loud,well&up please at home,they can't hear you.Practice makes perfect used to say that if you do an activity English learning regularly,you will become very good at it.

參考: google English website
2012-07-12 12:18 am

至於reading,其實唔駛特別睇咩英文書,簡單的可以揀本你有興趣的英文書,每日睇1,2頁,認真咁睇,可以學新字同埋唔同的句式,當你連最簡單的i love you點解都唔識,當你見到呢句就要諗,love點解唔駛加s, you係咩詞性,每句都諗真咁睇,當你睇晒一本書之後,你會發覺已經明左好多野

至於writing,簡單一句就係practice make perfect,每日寫,唔需要多,可以用100-200字,但要用唔同詞語同句式,寫得越多,到時考試果時你就得心應手,唔會驚到咩都寫唔出


P.S. 我讀U之前都係咁做,只係個人做法,可以唔跟:)

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