小額錢債 被告可吾私下搵原告傾?

2012-07-11 5:45 pm

其他人 或者被告既朋友可唔可以入庭旁聽?

回答 (2)

2012-07-11 8:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes - if your intend is to resolve the dispute.

2. When you are sued for $30,000, the Tribunal will not go over that limit. In other word, whatever you are sued is the maximum the Tribunal can award against you, plus the cost.

However - the exact amount will based on that the plaintiff (the one who sue you) can demonstrate. In other word, he or she has to show that the case worth $30,000.

3. The Small Claims Tribunal is a simplified court without lawyer. In other word, everyone just brings their own facts and evidence to present to the court to convince that they are entitled for that amount of money.

So you don't have to worry about that.

4. If you are the one who causes the damage and the insurance will not cover, you are on your own.

5. Yes - if they keep quiet.

2012-07-11 12:43:51 補充:
One more thing - if you really cause the damage, there is no way you can get away from paying, resolving outside the court will be your best solution.
2012-07-12 4:20 am
Gary 網友的意見正確!

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