Walking down the street, teachers/ daycare workers know &approach the kid but ignore the adult with the child?

2012-07-10 8:08 pm
I've had this experience a few times. An adult who knows the child I'm with will stop and speak to the child and completely ignore me. Usually a woman, probably from the kid's school or daycare. Granted the adults didn't know me - we'd never met.

On occasions when I had to approach my young relatives while the child was in the care of an adult I'd never met - I said hello to my nephew, neice etc, then immediately introduced myself to and greeted the adult careperson.

Have you been on either end of this? Maybe I have some view of the social protocol that most don't?

@Cece - I've seen something like that too with kids who are pre-school age: Kids who are very young. Once the kid is old enough to start walking away from Mommy or whoever, in my experience, parents go the other way and start erring on the side of caution. I was not admiring when these people walked up to the young human who was way past toddler age without so much as "Hi, I know him/her from ...".


@Cece - I've seen something like that too with kids who are pre-school age: Kids who are very young. Once the kid is old enough to start walking away from Mommy or whoever, in my experience, parents go the other way and start erring on the side of caution. I was not admiring when these people walked up to the young human who was way past toddler age without so much as "Hi, I know him/her from ...".


@Cece - I've seen something like that too with kids who are pre-school age: Kids who are very young. Once the kid is old enough to start walking away from Mommy or whoever, in my experience, parents go the other way and start erring on the side of caution. I was not admiring when these people walked up to the young human who was way past toddler age without so much as "Hi, I know him/her from ...".

回答 (2)

2012-07-10 8:17 pm
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Actually I have. I get acquainted with the child or children I have not.met in supermarket or departmental store and began to carry a conversation with them and totally ignore the parents. Most times the parents are so proud and stood there with smiles in their faces and watch us talked. Ovcassionly I made eye contact with the parents but in most cases the parents just stand there in admirations and observe. I have similar situations that strangers have conversations with my children and oblivious of my existence as iI stood there and watch in admiration. I guess we want our children to be able to interact and socialize and not necessary for adult to find friendship with strangers.
2012-07-11 3:13 am
They're rude. This is what I suggest you do. Introduce yourself and say something like You know (whoever)?

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