Am I pregnant? Late period?

2012-07-10 2:14 pm
Hi guys, please help.
My last period was around 5/22, and it's late for more than 2 weeks. My period doesn't come regularly every month. It's usually a few days to a week late.
I had protected sex, but one time the condom fell off in the middle of it. My bf was very sure that he didn't come.
I did 2 pregnancy tests (one at home, one at the hospital) a week after my period was late.
I also did an ultrasound at the hospital, and the doctor found out that I have pelvic effusion.

So, am I pregnant ??
Please help, thank you.

回答 (3)

2012-07-10 2:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No you are not pregnant.your bf is sure it didnt come.
2012-07-10 2:20 pm
Are you serious????

If you were pregnant you would have for sure found out at the doctors appointment..... obviously you had an ultrasound done kid.. if you were pregnant the doctor would have found a sac..

YOU ARE NOT PREGNANT...just having issues down there that you need to be more concerned with right now.
2012-07-10 2:15 pm
Time will tell.

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