邊間L.A. 洛杉磯大學有酒店或款待科讀?

2012-07-11 5:52 am
係L.A. 洛杉磯有邊間大學係有酒店或款待科讀?

可以講埋個間大學係幾多錢學費一年? 我而家係香港某個大專讀埋呢一年可以讀top up 1年去oversea讀 thx


咁即係我冇一個方法可以去個度讀FINAL YEAR?


我而家係讀緊asso degree的..可以有埋btec cert Bachelor 不是us的學士學位嗎? 我唔可以用自己既成績同考toefl去in間u黎讀?




我問過agency佢話我要哂多2年時間lor 最少.. 要我過去讀d college存學分then再transfer去u.. 真係無其他方法了? 因為我記得學校之前派左份leafet俾我, 係講btec既課程, 我見到都有,uk,aus,canada n even us! us既大學有csu既long beach and la分校..so我一直以為讀咩都好,最後final yr係可以出去overseas到讀的.


我剛剛找回那個LEAFET 是EDEXCEL BTEC 它寫住BTEC 畢業生可以出國讀學位, 部分接收呢個既畢業生大學有US 圠CSULA, LONG BEACH分校...

回答 (1)

2012-07-11 11:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Cal Poly Pomona

2012-07-11 12:29:00 補充:
1. USD$60,000 per year for your total cost per year. This is a general cost to study aboard, not school-specific.

2. Impossible. Top-up is not an American thing (but British and Commonwealth (except Canada) thing).

2012-07-12 03:51:47 補充:
U.S. system is 4 years. You are still in the old 3-year system. It does not match at all.

2012-07-20 13:33:33 補充:
You think too simple.

1. Bachelor is not exclusive for the U.S. In everywhere - it is the name for the same level of education.

2. You are missing a lot of critical course required for transfer admission.

2012-07-22 01:24:26 補充:
I definitely say no. But you can try.

The issue is you are from a different system. So you don't get to choose.

You have the following options:

1. Pick a top-up program (in Hong Kong or Commonwealt countries - except Canada).

2012-07-22 01:24:44 補充:
2. Go to a community college, get all the missing requirement completed and try.

2012-07-23 14:00:59 補充:
So now you trust me.

The easiest way for you is simply get a top-up program.

For BTEC, it depends on what exactly did you get.

If you want the U.S., sorry to say, you pretty much have to start almost at the beginning.

2012-07-25 13:16:10 補充:
1. Edexcel is the company who makes the qualification for BTEC. For BTEC, you still need a specific level.

2. BTEC diploma holder can go to college in the U.S. The issue is from the very beginning.

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