English problem

2012-07-11 4:26 am
Good fences make good neighbors.
Keeping up with the Joneses.
(They) keep to themselves.
He's such a busybody! Always sticking his nose where it's not wanted.
Not in my backyard!
Does anybody know what is that mean. Pls send your explanation to my e-mail
[email protected]

I can teach you mandarin for return.
Thanks a lot

回答 (6)

2012-07-11 11:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) Good fences make good neighbors.
- It is better for people to mind their own business and to respect the privacy of others. Good neighbors respect each other property.
A fence between the properties (houses) will eliminate the chance that they may trespass into something that you do not want to share. This is not just a physical fence. It also means that your neighbours should not have knowledge of your lives and what goes on in your household.

(2) Keeping up with the Joneses.
- try to have the same new impressive possessions and social achievement that other people (neighbours and friends) have.
(try to be rich and successful as your neighbours.)
和你的富裕鄰居保持同等的生活方式或質量, 指和左鄰右里比較, 跟上. (諷刺的話)

Let's just move if we can't afford to live here. We never try to keep up with the Joneses.

(3) keep to themselves.
They live a very private quiet life and not do many things that involve other people.
深居簡出, 不與人交往, 不理會别人的事

Nobody knows much about him. He keep to himself.

(4) stick his nose into something
- to become involved in something that does not concern you, in a way that annoy people. ~ showing too much interest in things that are someone’s private business.
干涉; 插手與己無關的事 管閒事

You have no right to poke your nose into my affairs!

(5) Not in my backyard!
只要别發生在我家後院,( 出于個個人利益)
- used to say that you do not want something to happen near where you live.
- used for describing people’s reaction to an official plan, when they support the idea but do not want it to happen in the area where tey live.

The residents didn’t want a new factory in their backyard.

2012-07-11 09:04:50 補充:
Good fences make good neighbours
Neighbour should prevent his children from messing up our lawn. Good fences make good neighbours.

2012-07-11 09:09:21 補充:
Nobody knows much about him. He keeps to himself. (~ not "keep")
參考: Longman English Dictionary; Oxford Dictionary
2012-07-15 4:43 pm
Yes, definitely learn from Godfrey for correct and accurate English meanings.
2012-07-15 11:53 am
Good fences make good neighbors.==Neighbors being as polite as gentlemen that ought to be.
Keeping up with the Joneses.==With the same social status as your neighbors.
(They) keep to themselves.==Neighbors refuse to share with others'(e.g. time,family affairs etc.);
He's such a busybody! Always sticking his nose where it's not wanted.==He is excited and doing things without any result;
Not in my backyard! ==Nothing concerned about me; not my business;
參考: 部份資料根據香港牛津大學出版社的現代高級英漢雙解辭典
2012-07-12 8:30 pm
002 Godfrey 的回答十分好。

例:next-door neighbor 是不正確的。應該是 'neighbour next door'
2012-07-12 8:26 am
toming88 answer is very close, very good.
2012-07-11 5:49 am
It means Mandarin should be taught to me!
An Attempt To Answer:-
It means good,friendly next-door neighbor have good connecting attachment between the neighboring houses.
It means the social status from the neighboring houses come to our house must be comparable and follow-suit by us!
It means the neighbors keep treasures to themselves to avoid envy,jealous and lost-property.
It means the busybody from the neighboring houses gossips around our borderings!
It means the bad news etc. from the neighboring houses must be kept away from our backyard adjoining us!
參考: google website

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