
2012-07-11 3:48 am

It was in Bristol where the film was made.
It was Bristol where the film was made.

回答 (7)

2012-07-12 5:59 pm
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This is a typical "it-cleft" sentence using "introductory-it" to emphasize a part of the sentence.

Structure: It + [verb to be] + [noun/noun phrase (emphasis)] + [relative clause]

e.g. The film was made in Bristol. (original sentence)
===> It was Bristol in which the film was made. (cleft - emphasize "Bristol")

In this case, there are some other ways to write the relative clause as "Bristol" is a name of a place (city or town name).

(1) It was Bristol that the film was made in. (relative pronoun - "that")
(2) It was Bristol where the film was made. (relative adverb - "where")

Therefore, "It was in Bristol where the film was made" is wrong in grammar.

Moreover, if you want to emphasize the subject of the original sentence instead, the cleft sentence will look like this:

It was the film that was made in Bristol.

2012-07-15 01:12:35 補充:
因為作者可能除了想強調 Bristol 外,還想強調 in 來凸顯不是 at 或 on ,例 at her home 、on the island 等等。

"where" 已經代表 in, at , on , to,... a place
2012-07-15 2:39 pm
It was in Bristol where the film was made.- the 'where' may be a studio which is in Bristol.
It was Bristol where the film was made.- here 'where' means 'what city'
2012-07-13 4:31 am
2012-07-11 11:04 pm
It was in Bristol where the film was made.
in 或 at
要所指的範圍,in是比較宏觀或區域,at會更specific/確定位置(例如: at ABC Studio in Bristol或 at xxx Park/Mountain/Village in Bristol)

It was David(Name) who made this film.
2012-07-11 5:08 am
Both are defining relative clauses eg:-It was in Bristol (Changed to that---)the film was made.
eg:-It was Bristol (Changed from where to that----)the film was made.
"where" ,adverb, used after phrase"was Bristol"that refer to a place or situation to mean"to which".
參考: google translation websites!
2012-07-11 4:25 am
It was in Bristol where the film was made.
2012-07-11 4:09 am
It was Bristol where the film was made. 呢句
參考: 自己

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