My Boyfriend never gets jealous?

2012-07-10 4:37 am
is it bad that my boyfriend never gets jealous when i talk to other guys or flirt with them? but i get jealous when he talks to other girls sometimes?

回答 (13)

2012-07-10 4:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
It sounds to me like your boyfriend is doing it right and being a boss. Basically your subconscious is wanting him to be jealous of you so you can justify that he is still attracted to you. However, it's completely stupid, just because he doesn't get jealous doesn't mean sh*t whatsoever.

First of all, why do you even flirt with other guys to test your bf's nerves.
Second of all, if he shows other signs of not being interested in you anymore, then there's your justification that could've been spurred from your dumb actions. If this is not the case, then just move on with your life. He's not worth your time. Plain and Simple.
2012-07-10 4:39 am
in other words he trusts you and you dont trust him ---- its a good thing he does not get jealous
2016-05-18 1:51 am
Well, towards the end it kinda sounds like your drifting.. but it might be just the way I read it, anyways I think it's a good thing when boyfriends are kinda jealous, shows that they care and they want you to themselves, my boyfriend gets jealous but I know that he trusts me but he still gets dodgy sometimes when I say something about hanging out with a guy. Maybe try talking to him about it, you've been going out for nearly 2 years after all.
2012-07-10 4:59 am
No, that shouldn't be something you should worry about. Almost always, the guy doesn't get jealous because he feels secure in your relationship and doesn't worry about your interactions with other guys. It might also be because when you flirt with guys he can tell it's not you having legitimate feelings for them. Either way, he's just not worried about you being someone who would cheat on him. And more than likely, you shouldn't be afraid of him cheating on you, either! Jealousy is natural, but if he's not worried, neither should you.

Answer mine?
2012-07-10 4:44 am
He might not care about you that much. I know that sounds mean, but if any guy so much as looks at my girlfriend, I'm ready to tear him apart.
2012-07-10 4:43 am
He trusts you and loves you. But try asking him and be truthful but you don't ever need a jealous boyfriend! Goodluck :)
2012-07-10 4:41 am
Some people are just not the jealous type and that is good, because someone who is to jealous can get very possessive. But if this is a legit relationship, you shouldn't be flirting with other guys anyways.
2012-07-10 4:41 am
either he completely trusts you, doesnt care either way(wants you to have the choice of what ever) or you just arent close enough for him to care. . .

or he doesnt want you to know if he gets jealous or not
2012-07-10 4:39 am
It's simple he really must love you enough to trust you that you won't betray him in any way, so he has nothing to worry about.
2012-07-10 4:38 am
He could just be very secure in your relationship. He trusts you and doesn't think that you would cheat on him.

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