
2012-07-10 6:06 am

My name is xx. I am twelve years old and I am from xxx primary school and I have no brothers or sisters.

My father is a policeman, and my mother is a banker.

My hobbies are playing badminton and reading.

My favourite subjects are general studies and PE.

I like general studies because the topics of it are very interesting. Also, I like PE because I can do more exercise.

I want to be a pilot when I grow up because I like to discover aeroplanes.

回答 (4)

2012-07-11 3:28 pm
Yeah man , with a banker mom, going to whatever school is just a phone call away. There's no need to prepare for any interview !
There are other jobs in between the food chain - Banker (top) and Teller (bottom).
IMO, simply say "my mother works for the xxx bank" is good enough.
2012-07-10 6:24 pm
My name is XYZ and I am 12 years old.
I am the single child (獨子/女) in my family.

I go to ABC primary school. General studies and P.E. are my favorite subjects.
I like General Studies because there are lots of interesting topics that i can learn about (有很多有趣的課題讓我學習), such as (give some examples). I like P.E. because I like playing sports and doing exercises.

My father is a policeman and my mom is a teller (銀行出納員) (I guess your mom does not own a bank, right? she is only working in the bank, am i correct? banker and teller makes a HUGE difference). But i want to be a pilot when i grew up. I want to fly into the sky (飛上天空) and discover the world (探索世界).

I rearranged some of your sentences. It makes more sense to first introduce yourself, then tell about your background, finally your goal.
What you wrote is not bad, but just chopped up. Make sure your look into the dictionary about BANKER (銀行家) and TELLER (出納員).
2012-07-10 6:55 am
My name is xx. I am twelve years old and had graduated from xxx primary school but without brothers or sisters.

My father is a policeman, while my mother is a banker.

My hobbies are playing badminton and reading books.

My favourite subjects are general studies and PE.

I like general studies because the contents of it are very interesting. Also, I like PE because I can do any kinds of exercise.

I wanted to be a pilot when I grew up because I could navigate the aeroplanes.
2012-07-10 6:22 am
Error&correction on one sentence only:-
I want to be the pilot of an aircraft when I grow up because I like to discover more about aeroplanes.

2012-07-10 16:39:23 補充:
Introduction:-My name isxx,12 yrs.old,single child in my family.My father is a policeman&my mom is a banker.
I am fromxxx primary sc.General studies&PE are my favourite subj.My hobbies are playing badminton&reading.
Concluding:-I want to be an airline pilot to survey everywhere.
參考: google website

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