
2012-07-10 5:25 am
我今年中五, (大)半年後考DSE
唔駛答曬, 幫到幾多得幾多~ thx

1. 教學理念和方式
2. 校風, 學習文化, 學習風氣
3. 實習機會, 實習地點(可比較瑪利和威爾斯的設施和病人等)
4. 畢業後的出路 (最好有數據支持, 如有多少人獲其它院校頒的獎學金, 各有多少醫科生能成為專科醫生等)

5. 我還能用甚麼指標去衡量哪所大學較適合自己?

另外, 如果我JUPAS第一揀港大醫, 第二揀中大醫, 第三揀咩好?
我想揀D著重研究多D ge... 唸住揀中大science faculty (去讀biochem/ 其它有關bio的...), 如果揀港大biochem又好唔好?

如果可以, 希望留低contact, 方便日後聯絡 thx~

回答 (3)

2012-07-19 5:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
ok, suppose u r able to get into MBBS n MBChb…
I do think that both medical schools r similar in many aspects.

The largest diff. between hku n cu is that HKU uses PBL approach but not in CU ( google it if u dun know =]). Thus, hku emphasizes more on finding info. on ur own rather than lectures, lectures n lectures lol……

As ppl who enter both medical hv a similar background (i.e. DB, La Salle, KT Chong, etc……), i do think that culture inside the leacture theatre wont hv a large diff.

Prespective…… em… recognition of both skls r same in HK. Choosing specialty depends on ur ability, network n ur interest, not the skls u study in…

btw, if u focus more on stability of the job rather than life of the patients, u will not be happy during ur "medical journey"…
Working as a private tutor even earns more than a medical doctor (per hour)

Think twice before u get in =]

MBBS student
參考: my medical skl life
2012-07-10 8:33 pm
2012-07-10 9:42 am
you are too early to know what you want, medical school need straight A's student, either one os good, its depend your own personality and our qualification. Biochem is not a easy subject. Many student make it to the medical program, also many of them exits before the second or third years. Gees, review your abilty before you make decision.

2012-07-10 01:44:06 補充:
some typo
such as either one is good (not os)
your qualification ( not our)
sorry for this

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