出左黎做幾年野,,, 想進修一下英文(講.. 聽... 寫)

2012-07-10 1:21 am
出左黎做幾年野,,, 想進修一下英文(講.. 聽... 寫)

搵左幾間... 有無人可以比下意見~

wall street,,, 2 萬幾... 感覺上麻麻地,所以應該不考慮 ,,, 有無人讀過,,, 請比意見...

vtc 有個couse 10月開班, 但要考入學試,, pass 左先有得讀,,, 我目標係依個,,,
暫時打算搵d 2-3 個月的couse 讀,,, 惡補下d 英文for 準備vtc 的入學試... 大家有無好提議

上網亦都搵過英國文化協會,, 評價好似唔錯噤... 有無人讀過可比意見...

回答 (4)

2012-07-10 1:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
wall street is not that good. the teacher will following everything on the book to teacher you and ask you to finish many exercise first.

british council is OK because the teacher is native and the course is funny , the point is I can learn English and improve after joining but don't know why.

highly recommand you take the course of brisish council^~^
參考: form experience
2012-07-12 10:07 am
2012-07-11 4:53 am
你可以搵一個 NET 補一補英文, 他是美國人, 單對單教, 時間有彈性, 希望佢可以幫到你:-
2012-07-10 3:06 am

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