GRAMMAR Tenses!!! 20pts

2012-07-09 7:18 pm
(1)past continuous 同 past perfect 點分? 係咩情況下用?

(2)perfect 同 perfect continuous 點分? 係咩情況下用?

(3)simple future ,
future continuous ,
future perfect ,
future perfect continuous

回答 (2)

2012-07-09 10:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Tense,Grammar, means the verb-form used to express certain time relations.Verbs(be,have)which help to form tenses,moods,etc.are called AUXILIARY verbs.Thus one form,another form can be shown by eg:-
(1)Past Continuous Tense:-Formed by using was(were)& pres was playing tennis all this morning.What were you doing?
---Past Perfect Tense(Pluperfect).Formed by had+a past participle to spk of an action concluded before a time in the past eg:-I had lost my pen and was unable to write.
(2)Perfect Tenses:-Are concerned with aspect of time&its resulting w/o has been to Shanghai five times.
----Perfect Continuous:-Are continuing at moment of spking eg:-We(have been watching) TV since six o'clock.
(3)Simple Future:-The Future Tense formed by auxiliaries will&shall eg:-I shall be 18 on Monday.I think it will rain on court-yard tomorrow.
----Future Cont.Tense:-Express a future activity,beginning before&finishing after some given time in will you(be)(doing=pre.participle)this time tomorrow?This time tomorrow I shall(be)(flying=pre.participle) to Shanghai.
----Future Perfect Tense:- Formed by Future Tense of have+a past participle to indicate by the time eg:-The taxi will have arrived by the time you finish calling.
---Future Perfect Tense:-Formed by F.T.of May 2013,we shall have been living in this old house exactly 50 yrs.
參考: google English translation website.
2012-07-10 5:26 am
Past Continuous1. We use past continuous to say that somebody was in the middle of doing something at a certain time in the past.e.g. I was reading at 2:00pm yesterday afternoon. 2. We often use the past simple and the past continuous together to say that something happened in the middle of something else.e.g. While I was walking along the road, I met Ann. Past PerfectWe use the Past Perfect tense to emphasize that an action in the past finished before another action in the past started. This tense is also used in reported speech, third conditional sentences, or to show dissatisfaction with the past.e.g. I had finished my homework before I went for a walk. Past Perfect Continuous1. To look back at a situation in progress.2. To say what had been happening before something else happened.3. To report things said in the past. Simple Future1. To talk about things / events / plans in the future.2. To give suggestion with ‘shall’ Future Continuous1. to indicate that we will be in the middle of doing something in a specified time in the future.2. Future actions in progress.3. Guesses about the present or the future.4. Polite questions about somebody’s intention. Future PerfectTo talk about actions that will be finished before some point in the future. Future Perfect ContinuousTo express situations that will last for a specified period of time at a definite moment in the future.

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