A woman 29 dating a man 43?

2012-07-09 1:51 am
I'm a 29 year old woman dating a man who's 43 years old. Is there anything wrong with this? He keeps me on my toes and teaches me new things in the bedroom, :D.

回答 (15)

2012-07-09 2:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
In most cases it would't be the best idea. Most people in their 20s and 40s are just too different. Different priorities, interests, ways of thinking, etc. What matters is why are you doing that? Is it to gain financial security, learn new things in the bedroom and generally try it out what's it like to be with an older guy (all bad reasons) or do you really believe that this person is so unique in his character and definitely right for you that there isn't anyone your age who could replace him (pretty decent reason)?
2016-10-04 11:06 pm
To be honest with you, i'm youthful than 29 and you likely do no longer % to hearken to something I would desire to assert; besides the incontrovertible fact that it appears like what my mom says to me each and every of the time", that he's used the come and go technic." do no longer ask each and every now and then i do no longer understand her thinking, yet rather its have been a guy comes returned into the image to get refreshed. He calls to make certain how your doing and in case you omit him and it style of bumps he's ego. Its the two that they broken up with somebody or their finding for an uncomplicated mattress mate few sort words and bingo. It makes them sense greater suitable approximately themselves that some one nonetheless cares in spite of in the event that they have been an entire fool. It sounds to me that your nonetheless in love with him, its your option to take yet another risk. supply him a call or digital mail. in case you don't get a respond pass on including your existence,do no longer wait anymore or you will continually be waiting for that telephone call.
2012-07-09 1:58 am
If he makes you happy then who cares. As long as hes not married and your into him, go for it. This is your life not everybody else's, make your self happy!
2012-07-09 1:57 am
At your respective ages I'd like to believe that you both know how to communicate your wants/needs in a mature manor and on a peer to peer basis. Given the fact that you ask this question at all and the details you included makes me think otherwise though.
2012-07-09 1:57 am
It's hard to say. I know lot's of couples with big age differences who are very happy together. But very often it's just the opposite. What happens a lot is older men go for younger women who have no respect for themselves. They use them for sex and just a pretty thing to look at. If that is the case for you, I highly suggest that you get out of that relationship. However if he treats you with respect and wants to get to know you, then there is nothing wrong with it! I think that age isn't much more than just a number. You just need to be careful and make sure that he's not a douchebag :)
2012-07-09 1:57 am
Yeah, until his prostate goes and you are left high and dry.
2012-07-09 1:54 am
Nothing wrong at all. In fact, I am 24 dating a 43 year old :)
2012-07-09 1:54 am
There is 11 years difference between my wife and me. We don't think there's anything at all wrong with it. We couldn't be happier for the last 15 years.
2012-07-09 1:53 am
Are you going to teach the next guy that comes along or keep it to yourself.
2012-07-09 1:52 am
As long as he's not married!

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