寫作上的grammar 問題

2012-07-09 7:11 am
我週一開YY review meeting,需要借notebook一台,請如電話所說,留一台給我
As talked, we have a YY review meeting on Monday, we need a notebook, please reserve one for us.

Thanks for providing last month's XX report. Please kindly provide XX report for May 2012, appreciated if this can be delivered as soon as they are ready.

另外我想請問「this can be delivered as soon as they are ready」的「This」和「they」分別指什麼,這句話是從同事的對話抄下來的

回答 (1)

2012-07-09 7:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
An attempt only to response in Some points on Grammar:-
As in phone-call,we've a YY review meeting on Monday to which a notebook is needed. kindly reserve one for us.
Thanks for providing us last month's XX report. Kindly provide and deliver us the XX report for May 2012 when ready.
(It)=the XX report for May 2012, which represents the same XX report on (it) as an object.
eg:-It can be delivered as soon as it is ready.
參考: google website

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