
2012-07-09 6:13 am

回答 (6)

2012-07-09 12:09 pm
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「處於下風」的英文- in the underdog position
underdog - One that is at a disadvantage.a person in adversity or in a position of inferiority

例句 When you are in the underdog position, it activates a perceived lack of pressure,
But it's indisputable that Apple retains a hefty lead in the category, with Microsoft decidedly in the underdog position.
Being In The Underdog Position Motivates Me.

2012-07-10 04:11:06 補充:
'underdog" originates from the beaten dog in a fight, as opposed to "top dog" which now means the dominant person in a situation .

It is used in different situations as in the sample sentences above.
For example,
Palin said: Being In The Underdog Position Motivate Me.

2012-07-10 17:36:04 補充:
Palin said: Being In The Underdog Position Motivates Me.

2012-07-22 05:15:20 補充:
``I was in the underdog position and I had nothing to lose,`` Haarhuis said.
2012-07-10 7:07 am
In sports, 「處於下風 means "in deficit."
Federer is in deficit of one set down in Wimbledon man's final against Murray.

2012-07-09 23:09:23 補充:
As "underdog", which is mostly meant 冷門 between 2 or more players BEFORE match started.
Potugal is the underdog in the European national soccer league, it pays 35-1 before game started.
2012-07-09 10:34 pm
I think that both "disadvantageous position" and "underdog position" are the preferable choices.
2012-07-09 8:58 am
我所識3 3 4 奉書生
5 3 3授師範4 3 3+
Zi You Xuan Wen Ti Suo Ren Qu Pian Ou Na Mei Li Ke Ju He Guo Fa Er Ding Chi Ben An 334

2012-07-09 01:04:35 補充:
戰役西外圍壹衆2013 ?
8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
參考: 852而我把二十三立法2013.6, 23 新華字典語文基本法英聯邦2012 ?
2012-07-09 7:44 am
=1. (a) disadvantage
例句: Which two teams at war in the European Cup qualifier in two games, the Italian team a level of negative results did not win a disadvantage into two fault, non ball. 其中兩隊在歐洲盃預選賽中交戰過2場,義大利隊1平1負未有勝績處於下風,進2球失3球。
Ma Huadian when the subject of Chinese education with or without the contract, the Malaysian authorities, in particular, the Deputy Minister of Education Wei Jiaxiang stroke Chinese teaching community, Weijia Xiang has been a marked disadvantage. 對於馬華典當教有無契約的課題,馬華當局,特別是副教育部長魏家祥對搏華教界,魏家祥已明顯處於下風。

2. at a disadvantage
Are at a disadvantage in a contest of skills, morale, Ai Lani final surrender.
參考: 我..希望幫到你=]
2012-07-09 7:37 am
---Vulnerable (adj):-
eg:-The defenders were in a vulnerable position in WWll.( World War Two)
參考: google translation website

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