The Gosples of the Bible. Why have they not all be included in the Bible?

2012-07-07 2:34 pm
There are many Gospels which have been discovered which have not been incorporated into the Bible. Obviously the church does not want us to read these conflicting versions which in some cases give a completely different story to the life of Christ to the one which we are all accustomed to and challenges the very basic beliefs of the church. When so many stories have been written it must surely be difficult to prove which versions are the right ones, if any at all, and very easy to say that the the stories which do not fall into the accepted version, have been made up etc for whatever reason. Given the fact that all these scriptures were written many years after the event happened, (we all know the result when chinese whispers is played) and the fact that there are so many different stories, written at the same time, if not before he ones published in the Bible, how can Christians justify totally ignoring all the evidence in all the other Gosples that have been written and believing only the ones in the Bible?

Couple of points .. how can you guarantee that none of the Gosples are counterfeit? How can stories of Jesus's childhood not possibly have a place in scripture? Are you suggesting that Gods "inspired word" should not include the stories of his son when he was a teenager? What has he got to hide?

回答 (4)

2012-07-07 2:36 pm
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Nicene Council. A fairly random group of a couple hundred men (no women, of course) voted on what would become the Bible, 325 CE.
2012-07-07 9:37 pm
Counterfeit gospels have correctly not been included in the Holy Bible.
2012-07-07 9:50 pm
The Gospel books were all written in the first century by Jesus own Apostles and apostles within the circle of the Apostles. It has multiple attestations. It is consistent with the Hebrew Bible as well as historical records outside the Bible such as by Roman-Jewish historian Josephus who was anti-Christian.

Unlike the Gospel, the fake ones were written hundred of years later by unknowns after the Gospel has spread to various places of the world. Do you know that many Biblical manuscripts were found in other countries outside Israel.

The Hebrew Bible is always under the hand of the Jews who were anti-Christians. Summarize the Gospel content, and you will see the image of the Gospel. Amazing: the Bible contains 66 books written by 40 Prophets of Jesus such as Moses and Paul over several thousand years period by in several continents in various languages and styles, and yet centered around Jesus: as God who led the Jews out of Egypt, as the Messiah the Man, and God the Alpha and Omega.
2012-07-07 9:39 pm
Scripture is God's inspired word. It is complete. Those other writings you refer to are not inspired and therefore have no place in scripture.

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