
2012-07-08 2:05 am
HD of business administration(全英課程)既資格,但我讀個間學校根本冇資歷架構既資格,搞到我好似晒左2年既時間及金錢都升不到大學!因為我去嶺南及其他大學面副學士,嶺南說我間學校冇資歷架構既資格so就不比承認而其他大學就比左Waiting list 咋! 我GPA得2.55,吾係好好....
我想讀兼讀既course讀!因為我想讀有關HRM course,

1choice: HKICHE :
CB-14 diploma of Human resoucre management

CB-19 Pro-dip. of Business adminstration (international)
(part- time )

The University of Northampton (NU) 北安普頓大學 (在H.K.讀)
CB19 文憑銜接:工商管理學榮譽學士學位 (銜接最後一年學位課程,修讀 5科)

2choice: HKBU - SCE :
Diploma in Business Studies

Advanced Diploma in Business
(Human Resources Management)

University of Canberra Bachelor of Commerce
或者 HKBU 自資學位( BA of HRM) (2yrs)

如果你地係我會choose 邊個?
但我不太清楚HKBU-SCE個個PART-TIME COURSE 及 HKICHE要讀幾長?如果有人係HKICHE 及HKBU-SCE到讀既同學仔,可否回答一下我><好嗎? THX~大家~

回答 (2)

2012-07-09 6:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you may try OUHK (no entry requirement)

Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resource Management
BBAHRM1 Business & Administration

2012-07-08 5:41 pm
2nd choice: HKBU SCE.

- "Depending upon academic qualifications at entry, students may be admitted to the programme with advanced standing (credit)."

- "100% face-to-face teaching to be shared by faculty members of UC and SCE."

- "Access to SCE resource library"

- "Access to HKBU main library"

- Minimum entry requirements: "Holders of other equivalent qualifications to be considered on a case-by-case basis."

- "Advanced standing (credits) up to 10 units (30 credit points) will be assessed by the Programme Convenor."

- Hence, possible direct entry into the degree programme, and possible entry with advanced standing (credits for prior courses completed).

2012-07-09 11:53:59 補充:

可以. "Classes will be held in Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) Kowloon Tong Campus or other SCE Learning Centres."

2012-07-09 12:15:39 補充:
可以以Advanced Diploma in Business
(Human Resources Management)
up 上HKBU 自資學位( BA of HRM) (2yrs)?可5可以吾洗再經副學士上?

因為你已有"HD in Business Administration(全英課程)既資格",也許可以直入University of Canberra Bachelor of Commerce 課程,最短於兩年內取得學士學位。請再細看網站入學條件吧。HD 承認程度必須諮詢大學並由大學決定。查詢 3411 4350.

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