
2012-07-07 8:20 pm

We walk half a mile every day.
We walk a half mile every day.

回答 (4)

2012-07-09 10:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Both are correct.
In (1) half a mile = half of a mile.
In (2) a half mile = a half-mile. "half mile" or "half-mile" is a compound noun meaning a distance unit of half a mile". if "I run a mile every day" is correct, so is "I run a half mile every day", as both "mile" and "half mile" are measurement units of distance.
參考: My past learning
2012-07-08 7:03 am
但書本說當half 作名詞用時,可以這樣說:
a half hour 半小時
a half pound 半磅
a half mile 半英里

2012-07-07 9:28 pm
the first statement is correct, but not the second one .
2012-07-07 8:29 pm
We walk a mile every day.
We walk half a mile every day.

We walk one mile every day.
We walk half mile every day.

We walk a distance of one mile every day.
We walk a distance of half mile every day.

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