請幫我翻譯這幾句 ( 中翻英 )

2012-07-07 10:00 pm

跟你談話很輕鬆 你很特別 很友善


你可以默默看著 也可以過來打個招呼

口語一點 不要翻譯機
要正確 ! ! !

回答 (6)

2012-07-09 8:09 am
✔ 最佳答案

This thing has profound meaning to me.

跟你談話很輕鬆 你很特別 很友善

It's easy talking to you. You are very special and kind.


Pay attention to your surroundings

你可以默默看著 也可以過來打個招呼

You can watch silently or come to say hi.
2012-07-09 10:41 pm
跟你談話很輕鬆 你很特別 很友善
你要多留意四周你可以默默看著 也可以過來打個招呼
It means a lot to me.
It is easy-going to talk with you. You are special and kind.
Please be careful about your surroundings. You can come and say hello.
參考: 后冠翻譯社~http://translation.crowns.com.tw/
2012-07-09 6:08 am
The stuff has profound meanings to me.

I'm relaxed to talk with you. You are so unique and friendly.

Be aware of your surroundings.

You can be poised to look at it or come to say hello.
2012-07-08 7:55 am
That's what The Hers' English is. So there is a proverb says,"Even Homer sometimes nods".(大誤)
2012-07-08 3:55 am
你可以默默看著 也可以過來打個招呼
You can watching quietly or came to say hello
2012-07-07 11:06 pm
This whole thing is deep meaning for me

跟你談話很輕鬆 你很特別 很友善
You're so particular & friendly,chat with you is such relax.

Pay more attentions to what around you.

你可以默默看著 也可以過來打個招呼
You can watching quietly or came to say hello.

2012-07-08 08:05:10 補充:
thank you... I'll correct it ((SORRY! 我最爛的就是文法~ XD

2012-07-08 08:06:09 補充:
You can watch quietly or come to say hello.

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