Omission of 'if' (or 'whether') in wh-clauses?

2012-07-07 2:57 am
Hi buddies,

I just manna ask if it is ok to omit the word 'if' or 'whether' in wh-nominal clauses.

For example, is it okay to say:

"I just wanted to check (if/ whether) you're ok with me leading this strategy for stock management. (with 'if' or 'whether' in the brackets is omitted)

p.s. the above sentence was copied from script of the BBC, which is supposed to be free of grammatical mistakes, right?


回答 (1)

2012-07-07 3:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
The sentence is incorrect unless you use "if" or "whether" (either is correct) or you might use "that".

"I just wanted to check that you're ok..."

The BBC, while exaltedly wonderful, in my view, is, nonetheless, made of humans and therefore subject to the occasional mistake. This is one!

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