
2012-07-07 6:37 am

They tried to get me to sign an agreement.
They tried to get me signing an agreement.

回答 (3)

2012-07-09 9:25 am
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(A) They tried to get me to sign an agreement.
(B) They tried to get me signing an agreement.

To most people, (A) and (B) mean practically the same.
It is to my understanding that there is a difference. (A) is far much better.

They tried to get me to sign an agreement. = They tried to persuade me to sign an agreement. (perhaps I didn’t want to do it.)

They tried to get me signing an agreement. = They tried to make me start signing an agreement (perhaps that was the first step of a process.)

To get someone to do something = make/persuade someone to do something. There is often the idea of difficulty. It means persuade/induce someone to carry out the complete action.

It is past midnight. Get the child to sleep.
Get David to join our team. He is the best.

To get someone doing something = make/encourage someone to start doing something. It gives more idea of continuity than completeness of the action. Doing is most likely not a complete action, perhaps to establish the doing of it as a habit or to begin to do it or take the first steps toward doing it. We are not thinking of a single result; just make the process start going. The process may take time.

The following two examples are from Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.

It is not hard to get him talking – the problem is stopping him.
Can you really get that old car going again?

2012-07-09 02:04:34 補充:
No offence to 回答者 002

Some verbs (forget, remember, stop, regret..) can be followed by –ing or an infinitive, but there is a difference in meaning.

They stopped making VCR machines some years ago. (finished an action)
We stopped to get some petrol. (finished an action in order to do another one)

2012-07-09 02:08:30 補充:
He really regrets getting that tattoo when he was twenty. (= feel sorrow about the past)
We regret to inform you of delays. (= announce bad news)

No difference in meaning with these verbs (like, love, hate, start, go…)
He hates to go to school. = He hates going to school.
參考: Practical English Usage
2012-07-09 8:51 am
例如: I like running. 和 I like to run. 意思都是一樣的,都是解作「我喜歡跑步。」

They tried to get me to sign an agreement. 他們嘗試讓我簽署合約。
They tried to get me signing an agreement. 他們嘗試讓我簽署合約。
參考: 我..希望幫到你=]
2012-07-07 9:16 am
They tried to get me to sign an agreement.
= They tried to persuade me to sign an agreement.

They tried to get me signing an agreement.
= They tried to force me into signing an agreement.

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