What do you do with your dogs for fun?

2012-07-06 4:16 am
My dogs and I are into agility. My Miniature Australian Shepherd is my up and coming agility dog, we are having a blast and we are starting to really connect as a team.
here we are at the last trial doing a Jumpers course.

Here we are in a Tunnelers run. It was his second time doing Tunnelers and he was kind of unsure about all thoe tunnels but he did a great job.

Here is my JRT and I in Jumpers as well.

We also love to hike and hike all over the hills of Southern California and in the Sierras. What do you all do for fun with your dogs?

Nygirl you should try kayaking with your dog. Its alot of fun.My JRT wears his little life vest and we paddle all around Mission Bay and stop at Fiesta Island for him to run around. I have a friend who paddle boards with her dog and they have great time. I wold love to try surfing with my mini aussie, he LOVES the water and actually will jump off a dock. I have thought of doing dock jumping with him but it falls on the weekends I have agility trials so have not been able to go. I think its awesome there are so many here that get out and actually do fun activities with their dogs, its good for them and helps build a closer bond with them.


Agility is really a lot of fun but I think it also really helps to build a trust and a strong bond with your dog. I tell people to try it just for fun and they end up sticking with it and going into classes getting ready to trial.

回答 (11)

2012-07-06 4:28 am
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I am often in CA, and although my dog personally does not, she has tried surfing, and I know many other dogs who surf with their owners, We plan on trying paddleboarding soon. I was wondering the same thing, so i checked out a library book (101 ways to do more with your dog) and it was GREAT. It literally had 101 fun activities, it said what things were best for what breeds, what was best for where you live, and even how to get started on the many activities. Have fun!

Oh thats a great idea i love kayaking! Thanks I think I'll find out about trying it with my dog:)
2012-07-06 4:36 am
My German Shepherd Dog trains in PSA (Protection Sports Association). He absolutely loves it and so do I.

He has done Dock Dogs in the summer for fun since he loves the water. Of course he has fun just going for walks/runs as well.
2012-07-06 4:29 am
Go running with them. I'm going to teach them to jump through hoops. I would love to do agility, but can't commit to it. I have thought about settung up a course in the yard.

Edit. I would love to try it, but can't commit due to work, church activities, family activities, us going to be foster parents so kid/school activities, etc.
2012-07-06 4:29 am
My Pomeranian Charlie is in Agility also. It is very fun, you get to see how athletic your Dog is, you and the Dog get to enjoy each other`s company and get to communicate better.

For fun with all three of my Poms we do fun simple training at home (Like sit, stand, stay, down..) Which I have to cut back on because I give them allot of treats lol. We also do walks, the funnest are when we go in to our village (Will be starting up our walks from home and in to the village when my Pup gets older, right now we are just doing trials), I also love taking them in to town and going to Dog friendly stores and in to small pet shops. I also like to play with my Puppy (My adult Poms aren`t much in to play) and just sitting on the couch watching Storage wars or writing a book while they sit beside me.
2012-07-06 4:29 am
I do some agility with my Min Pin. I hike, swim, boat and raft with both dogs (they have life vests). My Boston Terrier is starting scent tracking classes with me next week. And, of course, plenty of play and daily walks.
2012-07-06 4:28 am
This is helpful when looking for new things.
I show my dog and am about to start lure coursing and agility.
2012-07-06 4:25 am
Go for walks, car rides, play with toys, throw him treats to catch in his mouth, and we took agility classes awhile ago too.
參考: Richard De Longpre
2012-07-06 4:25 am
My dogs LOVE going to the lake, summer or winter they going swimming all the time they love having free time to just run and chase things like birds, rats, mice in the long grass etc
2016-09-28 12:41 am
Interesting query... For my puppy, it will depend on what temper she is in. If she is in one in every of her candy and delicate moods, then she could as a rule paintings at a kid's health center, or perhaps a nursing residence. We have found out that she could be very delicate with kids and the aged, so she could be best for this type of process...if that was once her temper on the time... If our puppy was once in one in every of her reverse moods (maybe she has a couple of personalities), then she could be the operator of a crane and wrecking ball. One of our puppy's favourite matters to do is get onto our sofa and knock off each and every unmarried pillow and blanket, and he or she additionally likes to knock matters over (akin to folding chairs, liters of dad, containers, and so forth...) to be able to get our concentration...So, I'm quite designated she could revel in a role within the demolition discipline... And what could your puppy be doing if it had a role? Best desires!
2012-07-06 4:24 am
Walk them
2012-07-06 4:21 am
Train, throw balls, and just pet her(somtimes thats the best thing to do)

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