So I have this Camaro made in the 90's...?

2012-07-05 4:37 pm
When I'm driving at night everytime i hit a bump the rear view mirror lights flash on and off, how do i stop this?

回答 (1)

2012-07-05 4:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Typically they are controlled by supplying voltage to the light. Then the power continues through a switch to ground. Sounds like something somewhere is shorting to ground causing the light to flash on for a moment. Or it could be a bad switch. You'll need to check the switch itself. Does it feel like it operates like it should? A soft feeling switch is worn, but you can't know how soft by me describing it. You need to go by feel.

I would disable the switch. If the problem continues then there's a short to ground somewhere.

G-day mate.


Keep in mind that many people call all sorts of electrical problems "SHORT". They have no idea what that means. No need to explain it. just that the light is coming on because somewhere in the system (could even bee a door switch) is defective, loose or worn.
參考: Just an old retired dog who knows a few tricks.

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