Why do people assume God and Allah are different?

2012-07-04 11:56 pm
Allah is the arabic word for God.

Just like bonjour is the french word for hello.

Al means 'the' or 'one', lah means 'God'

Christians in Muslim lands call God - Allah

回答 (14)

2012-07-04 11:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I always knew that. Allah is the Muslim word for God.
2012-07-04 11:58 pm
John 10:16
2012-07-05 5:06 pm
If we simply look at the word in each of the languages then god is god. However, since a great many religions exist each with their variety of god/s, look at hinduism!, then one cannot assume simply that we are talking about the same god, can we now.

To then make sure that we are talking about the same god, we must sit down and and try to establish what the history, the quality, the attributes are of the god/s we are trying to equate.

God cannot exist as a paradox, as in being monotheistic while being a trinity, or while doing the things the Qur'an claims in which Christ did not die a sacrificial death when in the Bible, this son of God did die a sacrificial death. We then have a history and purpose of the two different gods that cannot be in harmony.

It can then clearly be understood that this transcends language barriers and differences.
2012-07-05 8:28 am
Contrary to popular belief, the word Allah is NOT a contraction of al-ilah (al meaning 'the', and ilah meaning 'god').

Had it been so, the expression ya Allah ('O Allah!') would have been ungrammatical, because according to the Arabic language when you address someone by the vocative form "ya" followed by a title, the "al" ('the') must be dropped from the title. For example, you cannot say "ya ar-rabb" but must say "ya rabb" (for 'O Lord'). So if the word Allah was originally al-ilah ('the God'), Arabs would not be able to say: "ya Allah", which Arabs do.

參考: Muslim Website
2012-07-05 12:05 am
The Christian God is a Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit,

The arabic god is a single god. Therefore, they are not the same.
參考: Catholic Dogma & Islam
2012-07-05 12:04 am
Yes,Allah means God,but after Muhammad's Islam spread over the world Allah known as a different one,because of other religions God.
So,Sufi mystics say that is only Allah,but they never say Muhammad's name.
2012-07-05 12:03 am
Because the two claims of a god have different traits, so they are different. One is claimed to be the father of the only begotten son on Earth, and the other is claimed to not have done this.

NOT the same.
2012-07-05 9:03 am
If you look at the words carefully ,you will see the " hidden" messages:

GOD = GOOD ( All about Loving and the TRUTH )

ALLAH = AL ILAH = ALL LIAR ( If a man die for Allah , he will be rewarded 72 virgins and lots of money ?????????) What 's the point after you die ?????? ( Allah is the God of the Moon, NOT the SUN and the Moon has FULL of negative Energy,( The SUN GOD is our FATHER and HE has full of POSITIVE ENERGY !!) Everyone know that !! How can it be a good God if it's has FULL of negative Energy ?????????????????????????? Full moon make alots of people go crazy, more violents, more police calls, more hospitalizations...that why the word " Lunartic" come in !!
Most of Allah followers are very aggressive in nature, they are ready to kill and die for Allah at anytime!!!!!! They wear Black or Dark clothings. Do you think that "Aggressiveness and Black clothings" represent GOODNESS ??? You better think again !!!!!I I had a friend from Iran. He is a modernised Muslim. He said that : He doesn't understand why the Muslims in his country kill other people whose do not follow Muslim. And the women will stone to death If marry or going out with a Christian guy . They had no respect for the women ! And men are allowed to marry up to 7 wifes. What do you think of that ?? ( No wonder alots of men fall for that !!!!!)

Don't get fall in for false promises from the Satan !!!!! You should know that by now the Satan will never keep her promises !!!!

Did you know that the Satan always use virgins and beautiful women to seduce men in their dreams ?
Because the Satan is actualy a female . She used to be one of the most beautiful Sherub Angel in the Heaven. Whose got kick out of the Heaven with her followers after a failed attemp to take over GOD 's Kingdom.

For the Universe to exist there must be equal and opposite Forces. This is base in Chinese Theory of YIN & YANG ( Negative & POSITIVE ). Thus GOD is base on LOVE, Positive Energy, caring and the TRUTH ) and Satan is base on Hate, jealousy, killing, destroying, lying, carelessness, negative energy and often use beautiful women to seduce men like ...rewarded 72 virgins if a man will die for the satan which is clearly a false promise. So don't get fall in my Friends !! Please WAKE UP !!!!

Love you ALL ! GOD BLESS !

sphere. ( I AM the Way !! and I AM the TRUTH !!)
參考: The Secondcoming is ALREADY HERE !!!! Either you're with GOD or you're against GOD !!!! There is no in between !! I wish that we ALL learn to LOVE each other and share this Earth together and live in Harmony! " THE END" is for REAL If we don't change and learn to LOVE each other !!! GOD BLESS ALL OF US !!!!....Amen.
2012-07-05 2:04 am
Lack of knowledge! Allah = God, God's name in modern English is Jehovah. There is only one true God and all will know and have to recognise this when all the ungodly and wicked are wiped off the face of the earth. This is going to happen soon now, the current systems of things will be gone and new system, God's kingdom rule with Christ as God's appointed king will take over and all mankind living under this rule will be brought to perfection and the earth will be restored; see Isaiah 65:17-25; Revelation 21:1-5. Yes all then will know just how great God is and worship Jehovah to times indefinite even forever.
2012-07-05 12:08 am
Because GOD is not to be found ANYWHERE in the entire bible,
in the original languages.

The meaning, the REAL meaning of God, should be god with a small 'g'
and I put part of the article I will give you here?

Word origin: God - Our word god goes back via Germanic to Indo-European, in which a corresponding ancestor form meant “invoked one.” The word’s only surviving non-Germanic relative is Sanskrit hu, invoke the gods, a form which appears in the Rig Veda, most ancient of Hindu scriptures: puru-hutas, “much invoked,” epithet of the rain-and-thunder god Indra. (From READER’S DIGEST, Family Word Finder, page 351) (Originally published by The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc., Pleasantville New York, Montreal; Copyright (C) 1975)

Some may laugh at the notion, the very idea that the word “God” has any origin or

association with

Hindu Sanskrit. ************ note this origin, not Arabic even, OK?

To illustrate how this is possible, we again quote from ‘Family Word Finder’ on the historical development of our Modern English language:

Thus, this word 'GOD' is a slur, the devil's attempt to remove

Yehoshua, Yeshua, Theo, Adonai....and the famous 4 letter combination
used in the Torah.

You have no connection to GOD of the bible, as a Muslim,
and you are the rejected root of Abraham's son Ishamael, who
was turned out, turned away.

However, when he prayed for himself and his mother,
Yehoshua heard his cry and DELIVERED him, just as
he did for Cain in Genesis.

Muslims are part of antichrist, what the bible calls
the ungodly.

This could be studied in much more depth than I've put here.

For those interested, here is that site on this word 'God':


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