checking to find out 怎樣翻譯為中文?

2012-07-05 2:42 am
checking to find out 怎樣翻譯為中文?

I am just checking to find out what time the meeting ends on Tuesday.

回答 (4)

2012-07-06 4:14 am
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checking to find out 怎樣翻譯為中文?

"checking to find out"可翻譯為「正在要查出」。
全句"I am just checking to find out what time the meeting ends on Tuesday."則是

2012-07-05 21:29:21 補充:
Checking - inquiring to find out eg checking the departure time
Checking already includes to find out in its meaning. Therefore the sentence can be changed to I am just checking out what time the meeting ends on Tuesday but not in the way suggested by Bagheab above.

2012-07-05 21:33:06 補充:
'Checking' has the meaning of 'inquiring to find out'. Therefore 查出in translation already covers the meaning of both checking and find out.
2012-07-06 4:50 am
我不明白 checking是甚麼意思?有何作用?

如果要表達「正在要查出」,將 find out改為現在進行式,即 I am just finding out what time the meeting ends on Tuesday. ,是否都可以?

2012-07-07 12:08:50 補充:
Thank you very much
2012-07-05 8:45 pm
2012-07-05 2:49 am
checking to find out 係檢查,以找出

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