how to write memo ?

2012-07-03 9:18 am
how to write a memo to the staffs request them to be patients and friendly to customer ?

回答 (2)

2012-07-05 8:53 pm
Notice to all staff Management noticed that some complaintsabout our staff’s working attitude. Please be reminded that all staff should bepatient and always be prepared to provide professional services to our valuedcustomers. Excellent Customer Service isthe key success of our Company, happy customers will come back and bring usmore businesses. It’s understandably that sometimes it’s nottoo easy to handle demanding customers, in this case, please ask yoursupervisor for assistance, but most importantly, you should always keep yoursmile and patience with customers. Howto strengthen our Company Image is all depending on you, so let’s all work hardtowards the success of our Company. Management Office ⇄Detect language » Hungarian
2012-07-04 3:53 am
Go to Hong Kong Public Library. There are plenty resources.

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