可否幫一幫忙翻譯成英文?? (急)

2012-07-03 4:31 am

真對不起, 遲了回覆你, 因為一些私人的原因, 我剛放了兩個月大假.

客人已回覆, 因為經濟環境不明朗因素和成本問題, 所以他們暫時擱置訂購材料, 最快要到年尾才再考慮.



回答 (5)

2012-07-03 11:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sorry for being slow on replying you. Due to some personal issues, i just resume work after taking off (休假) for two months.

The client has replied: they have to put a hold (暫時擱置) on ordering the materials until probably the end of the year because of unforeseen (未預見到的) economical circumstances (環境) and cost issues.

I am looking forward to working with you in the near future. Thank you.
2012-07-03 7:11 pm
Correction on answer-003 (by Jc):

after a two-months' holiday ==> is wrong (very serious mistake of basics)

There are two choices of correction.
(1) back... from a two-month holiday (two-month is adjective)
(2) back... after two months' holiday (possessive = holiday of two months)

2012-07-03 11:23:05 補充:
The client has already replied saying that ......... (wrong)
(1) The client has already replied that .....
(2) The client has already replied to us, saying that ....

... slow on replying you (wong)
===> replying to you
2012-07-03 5:18 am
I amreally sorry that I reply late. For some personal reason, I have just been backto the office after a two-months’ holiday.Theclient has already replied saying that after taking into consideration the uncertaintiesin the economic environment and cost problems, they decided to hold in abeyancetheir materials order and they will not consider their order again until theend of this year.Sincerelyhope that we can cooperate once again when the time comes!!
2012-07-03 5:12 am
I apologize for my late reply as I was out of office in the past two months due to personal matter.
Our client has at the moment set aside the idea of purchasing materials, constrained to the unclear economic environment and cost, and will not reconsider the trading until the end of year.
We sincerely look forward to our future collaboration!
Thanks very much for your help and kind attention.
2012-07-03 5:07 am
I apologize for the late reply; I just took a two-month vacation due to personal reasons.

The client already replied: due to the uncertainties of economic conditions and cost issues, they have refrained from ordering the material for now, and will reconsider at the end of the year.

I hope we can cooperate in the future!
參考: myself

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