grammar problems!

2012-07-02 8:20 am
1.)With their hearts filled with apprehension , they may vent their anger on their wives.

2.) With their hearts are filled with apprehension , they may vent their anger on their wives.

我想問下邊一句先係岩??以我知識filled with應該前面有個verb to be 係到,但係1嗰句冇左verb to be ,定係1嗰句係用左past tense or past participle .定係2句岩呢??

咁今次呢個past participle有冇取代左who/which+verb??


the original sentence is : With their hearts which they are filled with apprehension. They may vent their anger on their wives. 想問下佢係咪咁樣變出黎,如果岩既話可唔可以寫With their hearts filled with apprehension they may vent their anger on their wives.即係唔要comma 想問下我分析得岩唔岩??


我想再問下呢句其實咁寫得唔得? They are filled with apprehension with their hearts. They vent their anger on their wives. ->Filled with apprehension with their hearts,they vent their anger on their wives. ->With their hearts filled with ,they vent their anger on their wives. 係咪就係咁拆,上面嗰句拆錯左


*With their hearts filled with apprehension

回答 (3)

2012-07-02 3:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.)With their hearts filled with apprehension , they may vent their anger on their wives.

2.) With their hearts are filled with apprehension , they may vent their anger on their wives.

我想問下邊一句先係岩?? 1) correct
以我知識filled with應該前面有個verb to be 係到, 但係1嗰句冇左verb to be There should be a verb to be in a clause but not in a phrase. in this sentence ,With their hearts filled with apprehension is a phrase .So there should not be one.
定係1嗰句係用左past tense or past participle . yes, it is a past participle,(not a past tense) used as an adjective to modify hearts.
定係2句岩呢?? 2) is wrong. In 2) there are two verbs in one sentences.
2012-07-04 5:57 am
"are filled"= be + pp = passive voice, not two verbs in one sentence.
2012-07-03 3:58 pm
As jc has correctly pointed out, "with thier hearts filled .." is an adj phrase (preposition + p.p.).
In order to use "filled" as a verb, a "clause" with a conjunction is needed, e.g. "When their hearts were filled with apprehesnion, they ..".

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