下雨後,在家窗前的海上出現了一條彩虹! 翻譯英文

2012-07-02 2:15 am
下雨後,在家窗前的海上出現了一條彩虹! 翻譯英文
下雨後,在家窗前的海上出現了一條彩虹! 翻譯英文

回答 (4)

2012-07-02 3:55 am
✔ 最佳答案

After the rain fell, a rainbow appeared over the sea in front of the window at home.

2012-07-02 17:03:33 補充:
下雨後After the rain fell 是對的- 參考資料(1)
海上出現了一條彩虹a rainbow appeared over the sea是對的-參考資料(2)
在家窗前in front of the window at home是對的,不是at my home(在我家窗前)
2012-07-03 11:01 pm
The sea in front of the window of my home...........=在家窗前的海上,

there appeared a rainbow after raining !...............=下雨後出現了一條彩虹 !
2012-07-03 5:15 am
A rainbow appeared on the sea in front of the window of my home after raining.
參考: ME
2012-07-02 5:16 am
下雨後 after the rain (noun phrase名詞片語, 沒有主要動詞)
在家窗前in front of the window at my home (noun phrase )
海上 over the sea (noun phrase)
出現了 there appeared (強調及引出出現的地方, 全句主要動詞)
一條彩虹 a rainbow (名詞noun)
After the rain there appeared a rainbow over the sea
in front of the window at my home!
參考: Oxford Advanced Learner's Eng-ChineseDictionary

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