
2012-07-02 12:00 am
I thought you had gone home a long time ago.

I thought you went home a long time ago.

回答 (4)

2012-07-02 6:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
I thought you had gone home for a long time. = past perfect tense

I thought you went home long time ago = past tense
2012-07-04 9:24 pm
I thought you have gone home for a long time.
2012-07-04 7:06 pm
ago是與現在有關,即從現在計起的以前,如:3 years ago即由現在計起的三年前

既然I thought已經表現,參考時間不是現在,以是過去,所以,就不應用ago,而是before

I thought you had gone home a long time before.

2012-07-02 12:36 am
I think the most correct sentence is :

I thought you had gone home a long time ago is correct

I thought you went home a long time ago. It just have different meaning

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