can i have two puppies at once?

2012-07-01 5:04 am
my family wants a dog so we did some research and found that a cavalier king charles spaniel would be the best choice for us. We contacted a breeder and she has 2 pups, a female and male. She says it would be okay if we just take one of them, but my family kind of wants to take both of them, like not to separate them :) but i've seen articles and websites saying that getting two pups at the same time isn't a wise decision. But considering the temperament of CKCS, do you guys think it'll be okay if we take both of em? btw they're both 3-4 months old.
Also, is it possible for them to have mated already? i know small breeds reach sexual maturity at around 4-6 months, and i'm really worried if they have already mated and what if i end up with an accidentally pregnant mother?

Thanks !

回答 (5)

2012-07-01 5:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
It takes a very experienced dog owner to be able to train two littermates or pups of the same age. No reputable breeder would sell two pups from a litter to the same puppy buyer, only back yard breeders do this because they breed only for money and not the health or well being of the dogs.

I have 2 beautiful Cavaliers. One is 8yo and the girl is 7yo. They are registered dogs from health certified parents. This breed can suffer many debilitatiing health problems and you should never buy a Cavalier from a back yard breeder. You need to be given a copy of the parent dogs heart and eye certificates to ensure they're from healthy breeding stock.

Most Cavaliers from back yard breeders develop a heart murmur by the time they're 2-3 years old and you will spend a fortune in vet fees.

Whatever you decide to do, spay/neuter what ever dog you buy. But I would never buy this breed from a back yard breeder.
2012-07-01 12:12 pm
Yes you can have 2 dogs at once but if you never experienced having a dog, you should probably just get one. 2 dogs is a lot to handle
2012-07-03 5:27 am
Yes, you can have too puppies at one time. Now they shouldn't of mated at that point. My dog willy we found out he was able to start after age one when he got our dog Laura pregnant. Luara is a couple years older then Willy so it wasn't like she wa really young either. Before when our dogs went in heat Willy wasn't able to. But it's not good to have puppies between brother and sister. But some breeders wpuld do that without mentioning that to the buyer of the dog. Because it would stregthen the blood line. So when buying high dollar dogs it's better to get them from homes then breeders. But you may also want to get them from breeders because, of how you see the unfortunate puppy living. My dog Luara we got her from a Breeder and she was stuck in a cage with her two brothers, with only a tiny dog house to go into if it were to rain or storm. Also i can tell my poor dog has a terrible fear of thunder storms. I love all my dogs so much, I would hate to have something happen to another one of them.

P.S. My first yorkie i got was stolen on October 1st 2009, it was a thursday.
2012-07-01 12:34 pm
No such thing as an accidentally pregnant mother, If a breeder is involved, he/she will have separated the males and females to prevent that accident.
2012-07-01 12:07 pm
Yes I did it once

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